View Full Version : Does 33 degree Pool Water affect testing results?

11-19-2014, 03:04 PM
Was wondering if extremely cold water affects our test results for chlorine and ph. I do not cover my pool and my water looks a tad cloudy. My CYA is maybe 10. Chlorine DPD drop test is 6 ppm. Ph is 7.5. TA is 110. No combined chlorine was detected when tested. Another question comes up too, do I need to use more chlorine to achieve the same results that I get in 80 degree water?

chem geek
11-26-2014, 12:30 AM
It will slow down the chemical reactions so you may need to wait longer, but it would just be better to warm up the water closer to room temperature before doing the test. The CYA test is most affected by temperature; the others not so much. Technically the pH will be higher at lower temperature, all else equal, so you generally want to measure pH at the actual pool water temperature (so that's an exception to the warm-up rule).