View Full Version : Forgot to backwash DE filter, now pool is sealed up. Advice????

11-03-2014, 12:26 PM
Our pool store offers the service of closing pools for the winter. I wanted to vacuum one last time (IG, vinyl liner pool) and I had just finished vacuuming when they arrived. Flustered, I forgot to backwash the DE filter. I remembered AFTER they had dropped the water level, blown out the lines, plugged up the returns, drained the equipment, put in the antifreeze, etc. Now I have a dirty DE filter that will sit all winter. Should I try to take apart the DE filter and clean it by hand? Will opening up the compartment let air back into the system and screw up everything that they just did? I've never done it before (this is our second year with a pool) but I am willing to learn!

11-03-2014, 01:21 PM
Not the DE expert but you can open and clean the DE filter. I believe if you take it to the pool store, they will soak the screens in Muriatic Acid to clean them. You can do it yourself, but I honestly don't know the safe way to do it that won't damage them, namely how dilute the soaking solution should be, and how long you should leave the screens in, or the best way to rinse them. That should be in your filter's manual. Most of the big filter companies keep manuals on line as well.

11-05-2014, 07:47 PM
I take my DE filter apart every fall for a thorough cleaning. It's obvious when opened up after backwashing that backwashing isn't sufficient to really clean it.

I thoroughly hose off the grids then use this to clean them:


I've been doing this since 2004 when our pool (and DE Filter) was installed with excellent results.