View Full Version : New to pool ownership

10-28-2014, 01:40 PM
We recently purchased a home that came with an above ground pool. Because of the location of the pool, we are constantly having to vacuum and skim - great for the muscles, bad for relaxing! More important than that, however, is a recent problem that has occurred. The jet inside the pool has started "farting bubbles" (for lack of a better term) and we are not exactly sure why. Whatever the cause is, we are also seeing a decrease in pressure from aforementioned jet and also when we backwash. Since I do not know when the pool was built or how old the pump is, I can't rule out a problem with the pump. I recently noticed that the (now I'm gonna use lay person speak because I have no idea what the technical terms are) canister looking thing that sits between the pump and the filter is always completely full. I know that there is a gasket in the housing that can be replaced and I also know that the "farting bubbles" could be a result of said gasket being cracked. However, I cannot get that stupid thing opened to save my life! I have become so frustrated with the pool that I have seriously considered having someone come out and dismantle it. The whole thing is giving me a headache! I do have pictures of the doomaflitchy that has the gasket in it and I also have pictures of the pump and filter itself. Could the sand possibly need to be changed? Please help!!!

10-28-2014, 10:16 PM
If the round cylinder is about the size of an old 2lb coffee can, it almost certainly is the pump's skimmer. It's very likely the gasket of the cover you cannot remove is, as you suspect, shot. And not being able to get the cover off can make it worse. Can you see the brand and model pump? That cover is secured in myriad ways on different brands and models.

10-29-2014, 12:31 AM
Thanks Carl! One thing that did happen after I posted the original thread is that one of the hoses sprung a major leak . I went to the pool supply to purchase a new hose and told the pool store guy about it. He said that could have been what caused the farting bubbles. However, I did buy a new gasket just in case. When I got home and tried to put the replacement hose on, the clamp screws had rusted and are not wanting to come off so I'm not sure what I'll do next. The screws are rusted real, real good. If you, or anyone else, has any ideas about how to get them off without doing damage to the pool please let me know! It's always something around here!
