View Full Version : Week Vacation Soon, Skimmer/Pump Question

09-09-2014, 12:34 PM
I will be away for a week in mid-Sept. Not sure whether to shut off pump or not.

>If I SHUT DOWN for the week, how will my water be upon return? What can I do to preserve water quality?

>If I LEAVE ON, small (1-inch long) leaves are starting to fall and skimmer may fill up and restrict water flow thru skimmer which could endanger the pump. Will water filter through a basket filled with such leaves?

Vital relavant info... Live in Southern NJ; Temps will be mid 50's to upper 70's, mostly sunny all week; Trees starting to lose small leaves; I run pump 12 hrs/day. (covering / closing for season NOT an option.)


09-09-2014, 12:47 PM
When I went away for a week in July, I put the solid, opaque winter cover on the pool, raised the chlorine to shock level, and shut down the pump. Pool was crystal clear when I returned and removed the cover.

09-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the advice! I appreciate your reply, but I cannot cover the pool. I was hoping the experts could tell me what a week of no-filter would do to the water in this climate OR how a week of those pesky mini-leaves might clog the skimmer basket and if that could damage the pump. Thanks for any replies!

09-10-2014, 03:28 PM
Given the choice between risking burning up your pump or having a possible algae bloom to deal with upon your return, its a no brainer. Don't risk the pump.

What is your CYA level?

Add a dose of 60% Polyquat algaecide (no other type). Then, shock the pool before you go out of town and then leave the pump off. If it turns green, we can help you clean it up.

09-24-2014, 08:22 PM
A friend offered to stop by twice during the week to empty the skimmer and check the pump (and shut it down if needed.) All was fine upon our return. Thanks!

09-24-2014, 09:03 PM
Great! Glad it worked out and hope you had a good trip. :)

09-25-2014, 08:17 PM
Happy to hear it worked out.

This past summer a friend volunteered to do the same for us. However, she didn't place the skimmer baskets correctly, allowing the skimmers, pump basket and pipes to get clogged with leaves (the pump basket split open from the pressure!). When I got home there was barely any water circulating. Thank goodness there didn't seem to any damage.

Next time I guess I'll have cover the pool while we're gone (a major PITA!). :(