View Full Version : PH levels

07-30-2014, 08:30 PM
Will using Baking Soda raise ph in a salt water pool?

07-30-2014, 09:04 PM
Use 20 Mule Team Borax (laundry aisle at Walmart) to raise pH. Baking soda is used to raise alkalinity.

07-30-2014, 09:17 PM
Sorry I had an algae problem I think I'm good now. But now the pool is cloudy and was told by a neighbor that baking soda should help it has for him. My fear is it will raise my ph to high and cause other problems. My ph runs on the high side to begin with I don't want to over do it but I'm so over the pool not being clear. Thanks.

I have a sand filter, in ground liner with a swcg.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 06:41 AM
As Watermom said, baking soda is used to raise alkalinity. It isn't going to help you clear your pool. Do you have a test kit? If not, make the investment.

Btw... I'm in Burlington County, NJ. You?

07-31-2014, 08:58 AM
The kit we recommend is the Taylor K2006 or 2006C (better buy), Won't be able to buy it locally, but can get it through this link:> http://pool9.net/tk/

07-31-2014, 09:37 AM
Thanks guys... And yes I'm in Burlington Cty...

I'm not sure if I still have algae or not? The water looks a lot better this am but I brushed the deep end and it's still has some settlement of something? Do I still have algae?

Yes I have the K2006c based on your suggestion last year.

FC 5.6
CC 1
PH 7.4
CYA 50
TA 80

07-31-2014, 10:04 AM
You've got something growing. You should shock (chlorine consistently at 15ppm) until you have zero CC reading and a clear looking pool.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 10:07 AM
I'm just a couple 295 exits south of you :)

With a CC @ 1, you likely still have something left to kill (algae or otherwise) in the pool. Ideally, you want that number to be zero. A good shock is in order.

Please place in your signature the type, size, and equipment your pool has so we can better help you.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 10:07 AM
You've got something growing. You should shock (chlorine consistently at 15ppm) until you have zero CC reading and a clear looking pool.

Beat me to it :)

07-31-2014, 10:13 AM
I have a 22 x 39 mountain shape so not 100% sure on total gallons. 8 ft deep end I guess 3 ft low end. I've always guessed 27k gal. Sand filter, liner 1 hp SWCG

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 10:28 AM
Head south down Rt130 to Wally World for some bleach. Don't stop at Riverton, if you get to Leisles... you went to far ;)

At 27,000 gal, 407oz (about 3 1/3 jugs) of the 8.25% will add 10FC to get you to shock level. Keep it over 15FC (but not over 20FC) until your CC reading is zero, the pool is clear, and you loose less than 1FC overnight.

07-31-2014, 11:31 AM
Thanks I just added 4 of the 121 gal 8.25% I will add another 4 tonight. Thanks again for the help.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 11:39 AM
Retest in about an hour and before adding more. You might not need an additional dose and you could damage you liner and equipment with to much.

07-31-2014, 12:34 PM
Just re tested. See below.. Now what test again when?

FC 19.2
CC 0
PH 8.0

07-31-2014, 12:50 PM
No, don't retest until this evening.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 01:37 PM
Your CC is 0. That's good. How does the pool look? Your pH reading will be artificially high at anything above 10FC. So, don't worry about that for now. As Watermon said, retest at dusk. If your reading is less than 15FC, top off using the same math as before. That is... if 407ozs of the 8.25% added 10FC, then 40.7ozs will add about 1FC. Be sure the pump is on when adding bleach. Retest again tomorrow morning. You ideally want to have no more than 1 FC loss overnight to know your shock is successful.

Good luck :)

07-31-2014, 03:24 PM
It looks ok I'm running my robot now to make sure the water is turning but looks ok still a little cloudy in the deep end. So why do I want my CC to be 0. Just wondering. Also glad to hear about the PH made me a little nervous.

Big Splash
07-31-2014, 03:51 PM
The cloudiness could be just dead algae not yet all filtered out. It be a good idea to run the pump all night. Check if the filter pressure has increased on your gauge. Backwash if need be. Turn off your SWG while shocking so you can getting a reading of the FC loss.

Why do I want my CC to be 0? The short answer is... if it's giving a reading more than zero, that would indicate there's some type of nasty stuff in your pool that needs to be killed.

Search for "combined chlorine" or "chloramines" if you're interested in the long answer.

Let us know how you make out.

08-01-2014, 08:24 AM
So pool looks a little better still cloudy in the deep end but better.

I tested it 4:30 pm yesterday before I left for work FC was 14 cc was 0 so I had my wife add half a bottle about 60oz of bleach at 7:30.

This morning FC was 13.2 cc was 0.

Should I just see what happens the next 24 to 48 hrs?

Big Splash
08-01-2014, 08:59 AM
I'd keep up the shock level until it all clears. It could take a few days for your filter to get it all. Keep running your cleaner and brush the pool to stir all the stuff off the bottom. That way, it'll find it's way into the filter faster.

08-01-2014, 10:56 AM
I just brushed it still has settlement but looks a little less. I bushed it all to the deep end again and it's not as cloudy as it was after I did it yesterday but at this point I don't know. I added another 121 oz of bleach to keep up the FC today. I just feel at this point it's all for not being that we are going to get killed with rain the next 3 to 4 days. Not happy...I'm ready to give up.

08-01-2014, 11:30 AM
Don't give up. Give the filter time to do its job. Is the pressure rising? Backwash as needed.

Even when it rains, get out there and maintain the chlorine levels or you'll start back at square one. We see all the time people who have algae after rain and assume it is caused by the rain. Nope. Caused by people who don't want to get wet to go out and check their pool! ;)

Big Splash
08-01-2014, 11:43 AM
Don't give up my fellow south NJ friend. You're on the right path. The rain won't make any difference other than you'll get wet. But hey, that's why you own a pool anyway right ? :) Yeah, this weekend is gonna be a washout. At least you'll not be loosing any more swimming time while you're clearing up the pool. Keep your pump running 24/7 and keep your cleaner running. I bet when the the rain is gone, the sun will be sparkling over your pool.

f.w.i.w. You're story sounds very much like what I experienced a couple weeks ago. I let my FC drop lower than usual. This was done a bit intentionally because I've been trying find out how much FC level I need to keep in my pool clear. Once my reading was about 7.5, I noticed some cloudiness in the deep end. I hit hard with a good shock and kept my pump running. I caught it early and I took about 2 days to clear fully. Now, it looks great.

You'll get there soon. Be patient.

08-02-2014, 10:10 PM
Thanks. I scrubbed this am and vacuumed this evening. My FC was 15 not much sun today so will see what it looks like tomorrow. The pressure wasn't very high but I backwashed anyway to be sure. I did notice the ladder in the deep end that I brushed yesterday had a lot of yellowish green on it again this afternoon so not really sure I've even killed the algae yet? Not sure how it's possible with the FC level as high as it's been the last 3 days.

Big Splash
08-03-2014, 07:42 AM
It could be the ladder was were the algae started and is still clinging on for dear life. Maybe you could take it out and clean it real good. Leave it out until the pool clears. That way you're taking it away from the whole equation.

Also, search the forum about adding a small amount of DE to your sand filter to give it an extra cleaning boost.

08-03-2014, 10:30 PM
Looked good went I got home tonight will see what happens tomorrow.

Big Splash
08-04-2014, 08:51 AM

08-06-2014, 05:21 PM
Good news is the pool is clear and looks good no dark spots. Bad news I still notice settlement. I vacuumed and back washed yesterday. I checked again today by brushing and it's less but still have the settlement. Do I still have a algae problem?

FC 7.5
CYA 45
PH 8.0

08-06-2014, 07:51 PM
See how much chlorine you lose this evening from sundown to within one hour of sunrise. If you lose more than 1ppm, you are still fighting something in the water.

08-07-2014, 09:25 PM
Ok. It was 6.8 FC and 0 cc tonight. Will see what happens tomorrow in the am.

08-08-2014, 06:51 AM
I guess good news. FC 6.4 cc 0

08-08-2014, 05:19 PM

08-13-2014, 09:01 PM
Hi guys. Thanks for the help looks like I'm in the clear. Now I just need to keep up with it. This is only my 2nd season with the pool it's a huge learning curve. I've learned a lot from the forum. Thanks again.

08-13-2014, 09:06 PM
You are welcome! If you have further questions, we'll be here! ;)