View Full Version : Lost suction on sytem

07-04-2014, 11:11 AM
Have a Dolphin in ground pool, approx 13,000 gallons. Its got a Haward pump and sand type filter and is approx 12-13 years old. Have been the owner of the house for 11 years now.

Its worked pretty well for many years now. About 3-4 years ago threw the Haward Navigator cleaner away and got a Barracuda and never looked back. Should have done that years ago...

Last week noticed that the Barracuda was not moving like normal and headed out to check it. The pool has had a slight vacuum leak from time to time with small amounts of air bubbles coming out of the three pressure side outlets into the pool, but pump pressure was fine and the vacuum worked great.

Last week the Barracuda stopped working so thought I had a bad diaphram again. Checked and changed it out and no change. Then put the suction gauge onto the hose and found that my suction was barely enough to register on the meter. Changed the suction hose going to the Barracuda to a different one, no luck, no change. Ran a short length from the wall of the pool to the suction gauge and still the same, so its inside the system. Checked the filter on the pump to make sure it was not clogged with debris and it was clear.

Have done everything I can think about and running out of ideas. The amount of bubbles coming out of the pressure side of the pump has not changed or gotten larger so am thinking that its more a blockage than a vacuum leak... also checked the valve that you cycle to back flush the system and no water is coming out of the drain hose so without removing the valve thinking its ok.

Suggestions? Ideas?

Thx, Joe

07-04-2014, 12:11 PM
Bubbles exiting the returns are caused by a suction leak, not a blockage. A blockage would not introduce air into the system.

We've got a sticky on that: http://pool9.net/leak-s/ Read through that, and then post again, if you need more help.

. . . membership upgraded.