View Full Version : Would a SWG or chlorine feeder be helpful to a pool owner "newbie"?

07-03-2014, 04:15 PM
We're about to get our very first pool installed in the next month. Trying to decide if there is any value in getting a chlorine generators (salt) or feeders to help a newbie, or if we should just jump in - head first - and do things the old fashioned way (manually). We're getting an Radiant 18'x30' oval pool, that will be partially buried. The dealer mentioned a SimpleSalt system as an option. I thought that was a SWG, but after reading a little more about it, it seems to be some sort of hybrid system between SWG and Ionizer. At least from what I could tell.

The BBB approach, that I've been reading about on your sight, does seem pretty straight forward and may be the most economical way to go. My concern is keeping on top of the adding the right "stuff" at the right time. Any insight that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

07-03-2014, 11:15 PM
Start out without the SWCG and learn to care for your pool and then you can decide later if you want to add one.

It isn't hard to maintain and pool. We have a Super Simple Start-up Recipe that would be ideal for you to use. You can read about it here:>

Let us know if you have any other questions that you need some help with. We'll be here! ;) Welcome to the Pool Forum!

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07-04-2014, 08:08 AM
I say the same thing. I used the BBB system for the first 10 years of my current pool and 2 years of the pool before that. THEN I installed my SWCG because we are away more than we used to be.

The BBB system is pretty simple and TOTALLY logical, with no magic and no mystery at all. Master BBB and using either an SWCG or an in-line chlorinator will be a snap!

BTW, I am personally totally biased against in-line chlorinators. They cost more than floaters ($40->$100 vs $9.99), have to be plumbed in, clog, and, as far as I am concerned, do no better than an adjustable $10 floater. I use a floater when my pH is high and I want more CYA in my pool, but relying exclusively on it (or an in-line) is a recipe for trouble.

BBB teaches you to test and understand what those test numbers mean. We DO debate here a bit on what is best, but that's usually on details.

07-08-2014, 04:05 PM
Thanks! I will hold off on the SWCG or in-line chlorinator, until I have mastered BBB and my pool's "personality".

07-08-2014, 04:49 PM
I think that is probably a very good decision! ;)