View Full Version : Adding support to an Intext steel frame pool installed on un-level ground

06-24-2014, 11:39 AM
Since I can't post to the Intex forum yet, I'll post here and hope for the best.

I have a 15'x48" Intex steel frame pool. My backyard has a slope, so I terraced it using a retaining wall and a truckload of soil which I then leveled and tamped down using a tamper. I set up my pool, but when it was half-filled I noticed it leaning, so I drained it, releveled it, and refilled it. This time I put 12"x12" pavers under each leg. However, now that it's filled, there's one area that looks to be 2"-3" lower than the rest. Naturally I'm concerned about it collapsing. I know I could add more pavers on the low side, but to my thinking, that is not at all a solution, as it isn't addressing the slope, only the height of the pool at that spot.

A friend suggested that I get some ratcheting straps and wrap them around the pool, ratcheting them very tight, as a way to ensure that the pool will not collapse. It makes sense to me - the pool legs would have much more support and be less likely to move, bend, or warp. I'd like some responses to that idea.

If the pool makes it to the end of this summer, next year I'll be releveling, paying particular attention to the low spot. I'll also upgrade to a sand filter.

Please let me know what you think about this idea of adding extra support, and I'd also like to know how much risk there is that it would actually collapse without the straps.



06-25-2014, 09:16 AM
I think you need to level the pool area.

Intex pools are designed for level ground. They do NOT do well on un-level ground. Your pool has about 4,500 gallons -- 18.5 tons --- of water. Trying to support that weight from the side is just going to bend the tubing, ruining the pool.

Do it right.

. . . membership upgraded.