View Full Version : SWGS problem:

06-09-2014, 01:22 PM
Filled the pool with well water,added bleach, pool tuned black with all the iron in the water,let the iron settle to the bottom and vacuumed it outside waste,used test drops for ph and was7.6,added salt,test strip says ok,installed salt generator late in the day next day salt generator plates are covered in white scale.total alkalinity is very high according to test strips.i read one of the forum posts that said you didnt have to worry about TA in above ground pools but started areation on pool anyway.ph has gone above8.4and muriatic acid at double the amounts is not bringing ph down.Pool water is very clear ,I add bleach every night, but i want the SWG to operate correctly is the TA being so high causing my problem with scale build up or am i missing someting else?Used vineger to clean the plates but its happened again.Where am i going off course I am not a chemist so i need guidance please!

06-10-2014, 01:52 PM
I don't want to be rude, but you need to know that the moderators and I have been struggling to respond a new issue we're facing on the Forum. As more and more people use smart phones and tablets, we often find ourselves facing posts that lack all the normal forms of written English: spelling, punctuation, capitals, and spacing.

These posts are laborious for us to read and understand.

We put in long hour here, struggling to answer difficult questions posed to us. We've decided that it's not unreasonable to expect that posters make an effort to make their questions readable. We realize that not everyone is a skilled writer and that even many well educated people find spelling difficult. But anyone can put a capital at the beginning of a sentence and a period and space at its end.

We've decided we will place these question at the bottom of the queue, and answer them only after we've responded to questions formatted in a more readable fashion.

You're welcome to repost your question . . . or wait till we work our way through the queue.

Best wishes