View Full Version : Hayward H150 Heater

06-07-2006, 09:13 AM
I have a Hayward H150 Milivolt heater on my inground pool. I would like to hook up some LED's to it to show when the pilot is on and when the heater is on. Has anyone done this? If so, can you share your experience?


06-07-2006, 08:04 PM
Since your pilot generator produces less than 3/4 volt DC, what would you power the LED or any other indicator with? You need all but 100 mv of the output of a pilot generator to keep any mv heater working. And that excess can NOT be used or the heater will not function.

I'm sure that what you want could be accomplished, but tapping into the existing system on the heater could make it not function or even be unsafe.