View Full Version : Tips on adding salt

05-28-2014, 12:52 PM
I had my pool resurfaced and I've been experimenting with ways to mix in salt to my fresh water. Without a doubt, the best way to force the salt to dissolve quickly was to create up/down currents so that the high salt concentration on the bottom of the pool mixed with low salt content water on the upper water volume. You can watch this in action by the following steps:
1. Broadcast salt along the pool edges as evenly as you can.
2. Go to any locations where the salt has visibly accumulated into a large undissolved patch on the pool bottom.
3. Agitate the water upward and downward over the salt patch using a pole with a blunt attachment (such as a large brush or net). Create as much water movement up and down as possible and make sure you are driving the top water layer down to the bottom.
My pool is about 70F and it takes about 5 up/down plunges with a large brush to dissolve any salt patches (less than 15 seconds). On the other hand, when I simply try to brush the salt horizontally it just spreads around but remains relatively undissolved.
Hope this helps others save some time and minimize damage to your pool surface and equipment.

05-30-2014, 10:31 PM
Without a doubt, the best way to force the salt to dissolve quickly was to create up/down currents so that the high salt concentration on the bottom of the pool mixed with low salt content water on the upper water volume.

Uh. Why?

Unless you're using low grades of salt that contain iron and are liable to stain . . . it seems pretty easy to just dump it in and walk away.