View Full Version : Closing Pool for extended time

06-05-2006, 11:40 PM
I have to close my pool early this year and possibly keep it closed next year as I won't be at my home in the summer.

I wanted to get a safety cover but I don't think that will keep algae from growing. So, I was thinking maybe get a safety cover and throw a regular pool cover over it, so that I will be covered on the safety end and also keeping it from turning in to a sea of green.

What is the best way to close your pool long term for a season or two- for safety and condition of pool. I live in Michigan and have an inground pool.


06-06-2006, 06:59 AM
I don't think you can prevent algae from growing if you leave the pool closed THAT long. But here's how I close:

1) get the water PERFECT and clear and raise FC to shock level. If it's going to be warm for a while, I'd consider raising CYA levels to 60 or 70 ppm and using 20ppm as my FC shock level.

2) add an entire quart of Polyquat 60% algaecide (that's a type, not a brand. If it has "Poly....<something>...60%" and nothing else as the ingredients, that's the stuff, no matter what they call it.)

3) wait 48 hours. FC will drop precipitously from the Polyquat--that's OK and normal.

4) run the FC back up to the shock level for your CYA.

5) Close.

The only thing I see you can do is add more polyquat--two to 3 quarts total, but no more. It should get you through the winter with clear water.

But I think it's a crap shoot either way, since it sounds like you will have NO maintenance on your pool for a year.