View Full Version : Bleached liner please help

Barbados shawn
05-14-2014, 12:56 PM
We just purchased a salt water pool, in-ground, gas heated. The pool company that installed the pool also opens and closes the pool. This is our 4th year. Last year when the pool company came and opened the pool I was so surprised and sadden to see our beautiful dark blue liner was faded almost to white. At the time of closing our reading was high at 9. I guess ideally it's suppose to be between 1-3. The pool company dumped in a pail of chlorine to close the pool for the winter It is my understanding that this should not have been done. Neither the pool company or the Liner mfg is taking any responsibility for this. They are saying that it was our families fault for not properly taking care of our water conditions, We tested the water at a pool store with a bottle of our pool water sample. Can I please have some suggestions, Ideas or opinions. I have pictures before and after and kept emails, and I am thinking about going to court over this disaster.
Please advise, thanks

05-15-2014, 05:38 PM
I think you can forget about successfully suing anyone over a 4 year old liner being bleached out.

The only possible action you'd have would be against whoever raised the chlorine high at closing, but you'd be hard put to prove in a way that will stand up in court. Plus, the cost of a lawsuit --at least in the US -- is typically going to be more than the cost of a new liner.

For what it's worth, liner color susceptibility varies widely, with solid dark blue being one of the most susceptible colors. It's not a color I'd recommend, for just that reason. Some liners stand up better than others, but I have NOT been able to come up with any method of predicting in advance which liners will stand up best.

Sorry for your problems.