View Full Version : Pool Cleaner Reviews

05-13-2014, 04:03 PM
We seem to have had quite a few new questions about automatic pool cleaners. For those of you who have one, give us a review, please.
-- What kind of cleaner you use.
-- Is it a suction side or pressure side cleaner or other?
-- How long you have had it and approximate cost.
-- Does it climb walls? Handle a deep end?
-- Type and size of your pool.
-- What type of debris it works best at picking up.
-- What type of debris it doesn't work so well on.
-- Would you buy it again?
-- Any other pros and cons.

This info may be helpful to our other members. Thanks.

05-14-2014, 06:35 PM
I've used a Polaris 280/380 for a long time. Completely satisfied with these units. I have a 1.5 pump just for the Polaris. Cost about 450.00 if you look around on the internet. 16,000 gallon free form gunite pool. The unit cleans all areas of the pools including climbing the walls. The whip tail helps free up any algae or other buildup of the floor and walls. It has great pickup power for debris. I use the smallest mesh zippered bag and it picks up down to sand size particles. I recommend these over any I've used or seen in the past and definitely would buy again. If you maintain the unit it will last a long time. You will need to replace some of the maintenance parts but they aren't real expensive and easily installed (wheels, hoses, swivels, bags etc.)

05-28-2014, 11:28 AM
Older Aquabot that came with the pool. I had to replace the belts (multiple teeth missing) and the fine bag (due to rips) Not sure previous owner took care of it like they should. Comes with about a 50' cord which covers my 18x34 inground vinyl pool. Seems to love the deep end. Easily climbs the angled walls of the deep end but comes to a stop on the right angled walls of the shallow end and the steps. Doesn't like to reverse itself when it gets in trouble so I have to give it a hand. But as for cleaning it does an excellent job with the finer particles my sand filter seems to have trouble with. Also works well with leaves. The bottom suction is strong and it pumps water out of the top that helps aerate and circulate the pool water as it goes along. Has scrubber brushes front and rear that help clean as well. I would seriously consider this again, or dolphin or similar type of robotic cleaner. Most run anywhere from $600 (basic model) to over $1200 (remote control). The bag is easily cleaned with a water hose in 5 minutes and wrung out and hung up to dry. Parts are readily available from a number of sources.

05-28-2014, 01:43 PM
When our pool was installed it came with a Hayward Viper along with the necessary booster pump. While that cleaner was OK, it never seem to do that great of a job. After a few seasons I had to start replacing parts which seemed a bit pricey. Finally a couple seasons ago I gave up on it and replaced it with a Polaris 280 (purchased from Amazon). It also requires a booster pump, which we already have. I chose the 280 based on many good reviews and replacement parts seemed less expensive than for the Hayward.

I am much more impressed with the performance of the 280. It cleans our pool quicker without needing near as much "babysitting" as the Viper. So far the 280 has been reliable (this will be our third season using the 280).

It doesn't clean the steps, and only occasionally do I see it climb the walls. But that's no big deal to me as long as it does a good job cleaning the bottom, which it does. It has no trouble climbing the slope from the deep end to the shallow end.

I'd also like to note I found customer service from Zodiac (parent company of Polaris) to be excellent. When I installed the 280 I messed up and cut one of the hoses to the wrong length (completely my fault). I contacted Zodiac about buying a replacement hose section, but to my surprise they offered to send one for free since I just purchased the 280!

Time will tell if my favorable opinion of the 280 holds up, but as of now I have no reservation recommending the 280 for someone looking for that type of cleaner.

06-13-2014, 02:11 PM
After using my Wanda the Whale for several seasons, I bought a new automatic pool vac. I read a lot of reviews about several types of cleaners and finally settled on The Pool Cleaner by Poolnvergnuegen. (I got the two wheel model for my 27ft AG.) So far, I like it a lot. It wasn't cheap (around $400) but hopefully it will last me for a long time. (It is a suction side cleaner.) I have only had it for a couple of weeks. So far, so good. It seems to do well with picking up dirt from the bottom and leaves.

I also have a Polaris 65, a pressure side cleaner, and have used it for quite a few years. It is good for when there is a lot of big debris in the pool like when the trees are dropping stuff in the pool in the spring or when the leaves begin to drop in late summer/ fall. But, it doesn't do well with dirt. So, I pretty much use it when opening up the pool and then in the fall but not too much between those times.

Wanda did a pretty good job (and was certainly cheaper than this new one) but I had a friend who just set up a used pool that was given to him and I donated Wanda to him. (Wanda was good at getting dirt. The only probably I ever had with her was keeping her on her feet sometimes.) I would certainly not hesitate to recommend Wanda the Whale to people, though. It is a pretty good little unit.

I'm curious if anybody else uses The Pool Cleaner?

(Quite honestly, no pool cleaner does as good a job as I can do myself with my manual vac head. I still use it frequently, too.)

06-16-2014, 08:08 AM
Here is a link to a review of my Aquabot Viva from a couple of years ago.


This unit is quick and thorough. It has worked flawlessly the past 3 seasons. Even though I dread cleaning out the bag, it only takes about 5 minutes. There are 2 cons to this cleaner as I see it. First, it's not cheap. Second, it's not good for gross cleanups. If you have a ton of leaves on the pool bottom during initial opening it will clog the bag in a bout 2 minutes. It's strength is in it's ability to filter everything , from leaves to dead algae to sand to dog hair. It will clean my whole pool in about 2 hours. I would definitely buy it again.


06-16-2014, 11:44 AM
We bought a Dolphin pool vacuum last year. We ABSOLUTELY love it. It maps the pool and picks up everything in it in less than 3 hours. It climbs the walls also. Yes, they are pricey ($600-$800) but all you have to do is put her in and plug in. One of the simplest we have seen. Very easy to empty and clean the bag out also.

06-24-2014, 11:11 PM
I have a 15,500 gallon (fresh water) new gunite and plaster pool built this spring. The pool is a free form and is 4.5 ft deep at the drains and 4 ft deep overall.

The pool builder provided a Kreepy Krauly - Legend and installed it. I run it 3 hours a day and the bottom is always completely clean. It picks up leaves, grass clippings, bugs and any other debris that happens to make it to the bottom including sand.

It runs across the bottom and half way up the sides before it turns around and heads back across the pool. I clean the bag weekly or when it looks dirty. It has been maintenance free and has no issues with covering the entire bottom. It has a back up valve that activates periodically. Sometimes it climbs up on the steps and sometimes it gets stuck in which case the back up valve drags it to the center where it takes off again.

It is only two months old right now but if it lasts for a year or longer without issues I would say it works pretty well. Instruction manual provides complete break down of all parts so the unit can be user serviced as needed. The tail wags back and forth from the end of the tail and has a foam circle surround to prevent pool damage. This wears down as it rubs against the plaster and needs to be replaced probably every two months.

The bag easily removes for cleaning. I hose it off or sometimes turn it inside out to better clean all the fine debris it has picked up.

The unit is run from a booster pump which is needed for efficiency, locomotion, water pressure and suction which is caused by the upward water motion into the bag.

I don't have any experience with any other pool cleaner so can not compare it to others. I would definitely buy it again if it lasts over a year without issues.

http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x298/user_999_999/KreepyKrauly-Legend_zpscf3a9981.jpg (http://s180.photobucket.com/user/user_999_999/media/KreepyKrauly-Legend_zpscf3a9981.jpg.html)

07-02-2014, 05:48 PM
I have Barracuda MX8. Anits been repaired three times and just went out again. No more! Looking for another kind of suction

chem geek
07-03-2014, 04:54 AM
I'm curious if anybody else uses The Pool Cleaner?

I have The Pool Cleaner pressure-side 4-wheel cleaner and it has worked very well. I have it on a dedicated line and I switch my variable speed pump to 15 GPM to drive it. I used to have a Pentair Letro Legend with a separate booster pump, but I switched when I got my variable speed pump which has cut my pump electricity costs roughly in half. The pool cleaner works reasonably well, but I have an electric safety cover so my pool doesn't get terribly dirty. When the pool is in use when it's windy, then junk can get in especially when certain nearby trees are dropping stuff (flowers, pollen, leaves, etc.).

07-04-2014, 11:11 AM
I have a Polaris 360, that I have had for 7 or 8 years.
I've probably replaced every part in it. I'm used to it and I like it. It does a great job of sweeping.

Be sure you follow the directions about sizing the length of the hose. Mine was too long the first few years I had it and would constantly tangle up and even tie it's self into knots.
When I wised up and got the length right, I haven't had that problem anymore.
The hose is a weak point. You'll have to replace a lot of it because it gets breaks in it. It isn't cheap either.

07-04-2014, 01:20 PM
Thanks for the detailed answer but I have a vacuum port

07-04-2014, 08:06 PM
I have a Blue Diamond wireless remote robotic. Works amazingly well, and fast. 3 motor, split rollers. Very powerful. The remote is stone-age compared to the Dolphin Dynamic but the robot works much more effectively and reliably.

07-04-2014, 09:09 PM
Thank you Carl I am rounding up reviews as I can't believe the bad luck I've had with this barracuda seems like its kreepy krauly time or poolvanugen. Probably already spent 700 bucks on this thing. Really appreciate your input. Dave G

07-05-2014, 11:25 AM
My only issue with the BD is I have to remove the ladder to use it--it gets stuck under the ladder as it's smaller in size than the Dolphin Dynamic was. The warranty performance by BD is terrific. When I had a problem, it was fixed and back to me in less than a week--and that was about 6 or 7 years ago.

06-13-2015, 12:16 PM
Well, update on Kreepy Krauly - Legend. Still going strong but the bag is showing wear. The velcro on the end is getting frayed and needs replacing. Looks like I could sew new velcro in the top as the bag is perfectly good or replace the bag for about 25 bucks. The wheels are still good but I did exchange the fronts ones for the rear as they had more tread left. All in all the unit seems to continue to function well. The bag seems to be the item needing replacement but I have heard that they usually last only about a year. Still, I think that sewing new velcro on the end is doable to extend it's life. All in all I think the unit is well made and performs it's job very well. Bottom of pool is always clean - leaves and sand (from crumbling flag stone pool edge) are all picked up. I still recommend this pool vacuum.