View Full Version : Paramount In-Floor Cleaning System -- How to use regular vacuum ?

05-06-2014, 08:21 AM
Hi All, I have an in-ground pool with a paramount vanquish cleaning system, for the most part this works great, but the start-up at opening is difficult because I can't seem to get the vacuum (which you hook up to the basket on the side using the vacuum plate) to have any real suction.

As for setup, there are three pipes coming in from the pool, two pool side (one with a open close valve), one from spa, the filter is Hayward sand filter with drain/filter functions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


05-08-2014, 07:38 AM
If you want to post pictures of your pool and your piping, we *might* be able to work out why there's an issue. However the Paramount Vanquish system is an infloor system (http://www.1paramount.com/products/aapdf/vanquish-brochure.pdf) and I don't see what that has to do with a manual system.

I guess I really don't understand your question. Are you trying to hook a manual pole, hose & vac-head to a side port? If so, why? Most people use the skimmer. (If you have an old pool with a skimmer that has been installed with an equalizer line -- you can't use that. You have to connect to the suction line IN the skimmer. Also, installation with a equalizer line eliminates the possibility of using a skimmer vac-plate; you have to hook the manual vac hose directly to the skimmer suction port, unless you plug the equalizer line.