View Full Version : Determing replacement liner size from top rails and braces.

02-10-2014, 05:28 PM
hello and thank you in advance for any help given.

i have a round above ground pool with no labels or literature. i want to purchase a liner how ever the pool is not assembled. i have 15 post and 15 toprails toprails messure 50.5 inches each. Can anyone tell me the size? i think its 21 but previous owner thinks 24 . i dont wanna buy the wrong liner.

thanks again

03-07-2014, 01:44 PM
Each season, we get a number of questions like this, involving used above ground pools. I don't recall anyone reporting a successful outcome. I'm sure that somewhere, some time, someone has bought a used AG standard pool (wall & liner) and successfully installed, but if so, I'm not sure we've heard from them.

Except for a few long time companies (like Doughboy) AG pool companies tend to change brands and models, like models change clothes -- never the same one twice. Needless to say, this creates a huge difficulty in servicing such pools.

I can guess the pool size from the top rail length, since 15 x 50.5" = 757" or 63.1'. That suggests a liner circumference of 60 - 63', and since C = pi * d, the approximate diameter is ~62/3.14 or ~20'.

BUT . . . if you are actually going to pursue this, I'd recommend installing the walls and rails first, and THEN ordering the liner from the actual installed dimensions. Just be sure to cover your pool bottom with a tarp, and brace the walls, to preserve everything till the liner (and water) is in place.

Doing it this way has an advantage: if you find the walls & rails you have can't be successfully installed -- not an uncommon problem -- you won't have wasted money on a new liner for a pool that can't be built.

Good luck!