View Full Version : Tips for Adjusting Water Jets

06-02-2006, 10:46 PM

I'm searching for advise on adjusting the water jets on the sides of my IG pool.

Retanglular pool aprox 20x40. Skimmers on long sides at oposite ends. Jets are in the middle of each short side, one in step well, and another on side near steps. No jets on long sides.

I notice that debris flows mostly around the pool, but more towards the middle in a circle than along the edge . This causes most of the stuff to miss the skimmer openings. Overnight, the debris eventually makes its way to the skimmers. I'd like for the debris to flow across (and into!) the skimmers better.

Is there a trick to adjusting the direction of the jets to help direct the debris along the sides and across the skimmer openings ??

Point them more towards the surface vs under water ?
Point them more towards the pool edge ? This noticable reduces the flow rate.

06-03-2006, 01:27 AM
I played with my returns for about 2 days before I found a setting that clears the surface nice and fast. The key for me was to develop currents that would carry to debris to the skimmer area, but a "dead spot" right in front of the skimmer so the stuff would slowly get drawn in once it made it there. almost any current around the opening of the skimmer seemed to carry debris away from it, even if it was aimed right at it :(

06-07-2006, 10:49 AM

I"ll get out there and fiddle with the jets a bit.

I saw a "flap" device in a pool catalog. It fits on the mouth of a skimmer opening and allegedly helps to direct trash into the skimmer as it floats by.

Anyone ??

06-07-2006, 11:06 AM
I saw that "flap" a long time ago, instead of spending 20 bucks, I made my own out of a scrap piece of trim wood, it works quite well with helping catch those debris that keep floating by just out of reach of the water's pull.

06-07-2006, 12:04 PM
I bought one of those flaps several years ago. I can't remember what it was called, but it didn't fit properly in my skimmer and kept falling off. Didn't work for my pool. Maybe someday when I get a new skimmer I'll try it again. If I can find it! :confused:

06-07-2006, 02:26 PM
It's called a Skim-It and it works good for me. Makes quite a difference. Mine recently got broken, and I can really tell that the skimmer doesn't pick up near as much stuff.


07-01-2007, 10:27 PM
Just wanted to say--I just got one of these. It works well. I also had a problem with a new pool cleaner hose getting pulled into the skimmer opening and starving my pump. The skim-it prevents that.