View Full Version : hazy pool after using floc

08-24-2013, 08:04 PM
what can I do about a blue hazy pool. Was green shocked and flocked it , now blue and hazy.

08-27-2013, 08:51 PM
Flocked it with what? Using a flocculating agent often makes things worse, if you don't use it correctly . . . and sometimes the only 'correct' way to use floc, is to leave it in the bottle.

Did it settle? Did you vacuum it to waste? What sort of filter do you have? Most flocs are intended to settle, and be vacuumed, and NOT to be filtered. Filtering one of these can make things worse.

What are your current chemical levels?

08-29-2013, 10:10 AM
I might suggest an hour or two reading through the forums and various threads here. It's really the best way to get going before you post up any questions. A little knowledge goes a long way.

Generally the folks on this board are using materials and chemicals you can find at your grocery store or Walmart to maintain their pool. That does not include typically flocculating agents or clarifiers or many of the other "magic" fixes the pool stores will gladly sell you. Remember--they benefit $$ more if your pool is not clean. To echo what Ben said--a majority of the posters on this board wouldn't use a flocculating agent under most conditions.

Shut the filter for a few hours or a day. Let the algae settle as much as possible then vacuum it up. Then add to your pool, through the skimmer, household non scented bleach, three gallons or so, every other day or so..with possibly some polyquat algaecide...that's the more expensive kind. Look in the ingredients list for anything that starts with POLY. It won't be labled polyquat algaecide. Mine is labled Black Algaecide.

Run the filter 24/7 during the clean up process. If you have a cartridge filter they get gunked up pretty easily from the algae and need to be cleaned a lot or you'll be working against yourself in the long run. If you have a sand filter pay attention to the pressure gauge and when it increases by 5 psi over the regular running pressure you should backwash. The process may take 2 weeks or more so be patient and let nature take it's course. Eventually, using the methods outlined on these forums, your water will likely sparkle like never before.

If you plan to maintain your pool going forward purchase one of the Taylor test kits referenced in Ben's signature above. Without the kit the folks here can't help you very much beyond generalities like the ones I've posted here. Answer Ben's questions with as much specific information as possible and he and others will guide you with more specifics based on your own set up. Take some time and read as many threads in the forums as possible, especially in the section dealing with cleaning up a green pool. In the end you'll come to find that maintaining your pool is much simpler than the pool store people would have you believe. Good luck.