View Full Version : New to forum, Q re leaking filter and pump

Santa Rosa
08-03-2013, 11:48 PM
I'm new to the forum and am hesitant to post a question before reading existing threads.
However I'll jump right in. Both my filter and pump leak slightly every time the filter runs, for about last 2 months. I'm new to pool care, 3 months doing it. I back washed the filter 3 months ago but is there something else I shd be doing? I didn't clean the filter when I opened the pool.
Thanks for any ideas.

08-10-2013, 11:15 PM
Assuming you have an in-ground pool, the best option is to hire a pool service guy to check out, and show you around your equipment. We can't do that by internet.

If, for some reason, you can't do that, 2nd best option is for you to take some pictures, and either email them to poolforum@gmail.com, or post them yourself using Flickr, Webshots, Google Drive or something similar. If you can take a video, send that too, or post it on YouTube.

--membership updated --

08-10-2013, 11:16 PM
I wasn't clear -- without know exactly what equipment you have, we can't answer your questions. Pictures will get us started.