View Full Version : Still beginners with lots of questions...

07-28-2013, 04:45 PM
Hello there!

This is our 3rd summer with having a pool. I love it when its going good but there are days /weeks i would just assume fill it in :( We live in a smaller town with three options for pool companies and i have been through them all with little help.

I have recently been battling algae and have gotten the water to a cloudy blue! I'm pretty happy with that since it was dark green! I use test strips to check chemicals. My TA is around 180. Is this too high? What do i do to fix this if it is too high? It has been an extremely rainy and HOT season which seems to be messing things up. Chlorine is pretty high but i was told thats good since we arestill battling the weather and clarity. I am excited to get some advice, thank you in advance!