View Full Version : What to do first?

06-23-2013, 03:13 PM
I started using a K-2006 for testing this year. These are my most recent results but I'm really not sure what to correct first.
FC 102 ppm
PH 7.2
ALK 200ppm
hardness 400ppm
CYA 30ppm

I fill from a well and have been trying to get rid of persistent algae for a couple weeks but everything seems out of whack along with 2" of rain yesterday. It's a 4'x16'x32' ABG. Also if I get it balanced we're going to be gone for a couple weeks the first of July. What can I do to minimize problems when we get back?

06-23-2013, 03:40 PM
Hi, spongebob.

I'm pretty sure that your FC is not 102ppm. I'm hoping that is just a typo.

Here is an online demo of using the K-2006 kit that might be helpful.


06-23-2013, 03:41 PM
Is that 102 drops? In what sample size? 25 ml would be 20.4 ppm, 10 ml would be 51 ppm. Either way, it is way to much for your intended shock level of 12 - 15 ppm FC for your 30 CYA.

06-23-2013, 04:37 PM
sorry, my mistake.

10.2ppm FC

06-23-2013, 06:06 PM
Thank you, Watermom, for that link! VERY helpful.

06-23-2013, 08:04 PM
The Taylor link was very helpful. Thanks for sharing.

06-23-2013, 09:26 PM
Y'all are very welcome! Glad it was helpful.