View Full Version : Stabilizer help please......

06-21-2013, 06:54 PM
I had my pool water tested today and the CYA was low (20) so they told me to add some stabilizer through the skimmer which I have just done - I read the instructions on the container and it said to add through the skimmer or directly in the pool and then brush. I am worried I may have added it too fast - it just seems to be sitting there and the skimmers dont look like they are working (no swirling water) will this cause me problems? If so what can I do to rectify it. It didnt say to add it slowly and the guy in the store didn't tell me but I am just reading on internet that you are supposed to add slowly. It was 4lbs of stabilizer.
Thank you in anticipation

06-21-2013, 08:46 PM
Can you reach in there and either swirl it around or dig it out? If you can get it out, put in an old sock and suspend it in front of the return.

06-21-2013, 10:33 PM
Just swish it around an let it go into the filter. It can take up to week to dissolve so don't clean/backwash your filter or bother testing the level for about a week.

06-22-2013, 06:03 PM
Thanks very much for the replies, I was worried incase I did some damage to the pool equipment.
Everything is ok today, I managed to swirl it around and the skimmer is working fine now.
Will certainly remember for next time!

06-23-2013, 07:01 AM
A pool store did the testing, right? Or do you have your own test kit?

Pool stores are notorious for getting the CYA test wrong.

I will wager that if you were to take a sample of the same water before you added the CYA to that same store, you would get a much different result.