View Full Version : changing out pressure gauge

05-31-2006, 10:49 AM
Can anyone give me a step by step on how to change out my sand filter pressure gauge? Are there any tricks to it?


05-31-2006, 11:07 AM
If it's like every pressure gauge I've ever seen-

Screw the old one out.

Wrap the new one's thread with teflon tape.

Screw the new one in.

Has worked everytime for me :)

05-31-2006, 11:08 AM
Shut off the pump. Unscrew the old guage. Clean out any Teflon tape inside the hole. Put new tape on the new guage. (wrap so tightening doesn't peel it back) Screw it in. Repeat in a few weeks when the POS fails again.:)

ETA: Guess I'm slow. Rangeball beat me to it.

05-31-2006, 11:10 AM
I don't need to relieve any pressure in any particular way first?


05-31-2006, 11:14 AM
Well, if your sand filter is anything like mine (Hayward), here's how it would go:

1) Shut circulating pump off. Wait a couple of minutes for pressure gauge to zero. If not positive that all pressure is relieved, bump filter valve to backwash.

2) Using appropriately-sized open-end wrench, unscrew old valve. Righty-tighty...lefty-loosey.

3) Grab new valve. Wrap threads with a couple of layers of teflon (white; not yellow - which is for gas) tape. Wrap in the right direction - when lookiing at the threaded end of the gauge, wraps go counterclockwise.

4) Install new gauge and tighten; you don't have to go real tight - you can always tighten a little more if it leaks. It's a lot harder to fix if you snap it 'cause you got on it too hard. DAMHIKT.

5) Put filter valve back onto filter if you threw it too backwash to relieve pressure.

6) Start circulating pump and check for leaks after the pressure builds-up.

That's it.

ETA: I'm slower than all of you! :)



05-31-2006, 11:24 AM
Thank you so much! Mission accomplished. :-) Still not sure if my sand is gunky, but from what I've read it shouldn't be. I've always used Ben's method and have only had the sand for 3 years now, but it doesn't seem to be cleaning as affectively this year. My water is cloudy. Now that the pressure gauge problem is fixed. I will focus on other things. Thanks again for the obvious help. I just know that an once of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure in dealing with these kinds of things. Didn't want to do something stupid and pay out the wahoo for it later.

Thanks again for all the help!