View Full Version : Considering switching from sand to DE filter

05-30-2006, 05:51 PM
Hello, all.
I'm a new member and would appreciate some advice.

I am considering switching from my old Jaccuzzi sand filter to a DE filter system.

Can anyone recommend a manufacturer and give reasons?

05-30-2006, 07:20 PM
This should really be the "Pool Equipment and Operations" forum?

To answer your question, I use a Hayward Microclear DE3600 filter and have been very happy with it. Some of us use different vendors, depending on price and availabilty, so see what they have to say.

Hope this helps.


05-30-2006, 09:40 PM
de is the highest filtration rate filter available. Just know that you have to reapply the de after you backwash thats the main difference between it and sand. To best describe the filtering ability, if you have ever been in a pool treated with a sand filter you will notice small particles floating in front of the pool light when it is dark and the light is on. With the de filter you wont have those minute particles. You literally have crystal clear water. An alternative would be to use your sand filter but to use the zeosand in it, which is going to have almost the same filtering ability as DE. You may want to research the zeosand or ask people here because i dont know if it gets good reviews or not, I am just telling u how it is on paper.

05-30-2006, 11:14 PM
what is this zeosand? I change the sand every three years or so, and next year is time.

05-30-2006, 11:26 PM
You don't ever need to change sand. I am on year 4, Poconos is on year 9 with NO trouble. You only change sand when there's a problem, like it's gummed up from a Bacquacil conversion or adding too many pool-store recommendations of stuff you didn't need. Sand filters BETTER as it gets older and dirtier, so don't change it unless your filter isn't working correctly.

Here's something cheap, simple and effective you can try: Get 10lbs of DE powder--less than $10. Add some to your skimmer while it's on. You want your pressure to increase by about one lb. It will be probably about a cup. You should see your filtering improve DRAMATICALLY!

Every time you backwash you add more DE--that box will easily last all summer. If you are happy with the results, you've just saved yourself enormous time and effort. If not, you can use the rest of the DE in the new filter, so it's a no-cost gamble--no down-side at all.

Poconos and I both do this now and are thrilled with the results, and no, the DE doesn't blow back into the pool. It sticks to the sand and improves filtering.

05-31-2006, 04:40 AM
What a fabulous forum!
I get very usefull information within just a few hours.

Thanks to you all for input. It's obvious I have some more research to do.

Thanks again.

05-31-2006, 09:05 PM
I would politely disagree that the sand never needs to be changed in a sand filter. Over time the sand does lose its effectiveness. Fresh sand looked under a microscope has tons of sharp edges, over time these wear down and the sand loses its effectiveness.

06-03-2006, 08:45 PM
I recently switched from a hayward sand filter to a hayward 36 sqft vertical grid DE filter (DE3620).

So far I am very impressed with the DE filter. If you are very picky about your pool water filtration then DE is for you. If you like simplicity then stick with the sand filter.

I never tried DE in the sand filter but that is a good idea.


06-06-2006, 10:36 AM
I'm currently adding DE to my sand filter (Thanks Carl and Al!!!) with excellent results. I also run my Dolphin every week. Once cycle to clean the pool, then another cycle to "polish" the water. I must say that between last year and this year, it has made a HUGE difference in the water clarity when I have the light on at night.

By the way, my parents have run a sand filter for at least 10 years and have never replaced the sand. Pool still looks as good as ever. :)

06-08-2006, 07:34 AM
You don't ever need to change sand. I am on year 4, Poconos is on year 9 with NO trouble. You only change sand when there's a problem, like it's gummed up from a Bacquacil conversion or adding too many pool-store recommendations of stuff you didn't need. Sand filters BETTER as it gets older and dirtier, so don't change it unless your filter isn't working correctly.

Here's something cheap, simple and effective you can try: Get 10lbs of DE powder--less than $10. Add some to your skimmer while it's on. You want your pressure to increase by about one lb. It will be probably about a cup. You should see your filtering improve DRAMATICALLY!

Every time you backwash you add more DE--that box will easily last all summer. If you are happy with the results, you've just saved yourself enormous time and effort. If not, you can use the rest of the DE in the new filter, so it's a no-cost gamble--no down-side at all.

Poconos and I both do this now and are thrilled with the results, and no, the DE doesn't blow back into the pool. It sticks to the sand and improves filtering.

which type would you recommend:
aqua perl or diatomaceous earth


06-08-2006, 09:17 AM
which type would you recommend:
aqua perl or diatomaceous earth


DE. That's what I use. It's cheap, generic and available everywhere. Plus it's effective. I know nothing about aqua perl.

06-10-2006, 10:09 PM
I think I may have put to much DE in the skimmer. Gauge usually registers around 15-16 psi, now I am up to 22 psi.
Picked up a large 16 ounce cup and filled a little over half full.

Should I or can I backwash and start over with lesser amount?


06-10-2006, 10:14 PM
I think I may have put to much DE in the skimmer. Gauge usually registers around 15-16 psi, now I am up to 22 psi.
Picked up a large 16 ounce cup and filled a little over half full.

Should I or can I backwash and start over with lesser amount?


Just backwash to get rid of it. And when you add more, add 1/4 of what your added (or less), wait 20 minutes and see if your pressure went up. You want it to rise about 1lb.

06-10-2006, 11:09 PM
Thanks CarlD, backwashed and added 1/3 cup,right on target.

06-11-2006, 12:01 AM
Thanks CarlD, backwashed and added 1/3 cup,right on target.

Glad it worked out for you!