View Full Version : Looking for suggestions for Therapy Pools, help please?

05-30-2013, 06:33 PM
First post, here it goes!


We have had Intex round pools for years (Easy and Hardside) and
thanks to my husbands skill with pumps, we could fine tune them to
be perfect for our needs.

A severe carwreck has injured my spine and is slowly degenerating and
limiting my use of arms and legs. Since therapy done in warm water has
been very successful in holding off the final out come, we are hoping that
buying a therapy pool this time might be just what I need.

We have looked at IPool and IPool 2 as well as the brands which are basically
the same... Heritage etc. Deep pools allow for more range of excercise and
comfort (support for my neck and shoulders).

We are hoping some of you out there will have heard
of reason to OR not to choose certian models or features. We have 220 at the
house so electicity is not a problem. Living in western Texas means lots of SUN,
dry heat and sand..sand and more sand. Unfortunately the sand is in the air not
a local beach (unless you live in Monahans). Some sort of cover will be needed
some brands offer a umbrella type cover. Sturdiness and a reputation of not
leaking would be great.

Any suggestions? Any warnings? Thanks!


I tend to be slow to respond you patience will be appreciated.