View Full Version : New Pool

05-28-2013, 12:10 PM
We have a summer escapes 12' frame pool that is 2.5 feet deep. The pool has been up for 3 days and I have been adding aqua chem small pool sanitizer each evening and running the filter that came with it constantly. The chlorine level is 3 ten minutes after I add the sanitizer and when I check in the morning. By that evening it is back down to .6.

I have been using an old aqua chem 3 way test kit, but it is out of ph solution so I have only tested chlorine so far. My store didn't have the 6 way kits. It says online they don't carry them, but I will check again asap. If they don't have them I will just buy the refill solution. This is obviously my first attempt at a pool... I just want it to be safe for the kids!

I found this article:
Is this what I need to be doing? If so, I need to get algaecide, a brush, and ph solution. I have the rest, but I am not sure how to calculate my doses. The sanitizer had directions on the bottle, but how about the borax and bleach? When do I switch from the chlorine granules to bleach?

Also, how do I keep the bottom clean? We have the kids rinse their feet in a kiddie pool before going in, but there is already dirt and grass on the bottom of the pool and its only been 3 days. We don't have a vacuum.


05-29-2013, 05:52 PM
A better page for you is this one:

You won't be able to keep your pool clean without some sort of vacuum. Later this evening, I'll find the links for a small vac that several users have been successful with.

05-30-2013, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the info... I will follow those directions instead. Also, I will plan on buying a vacuum and would love a recommendation for an inexpensive one.
Thanks again!

05-30-2013, 11:57 AM
Here's the thread on vacuums for small pools: www.poolforum.com/pf2/showthread.php?18375

05-30-2013, 12:28 PM