View Full Version : Pool Heater question

05-28-2013, 11:08 AM
I'm considering a Jandy Heater for my pool the commercial model has a bronze header and the home version has a polymer header. Does anyone know of any issues with the polymer header that Jandy uses?

05-29-2013, 08:56 PM
None of us here with heater experience prefer the Jandy heater, regardless of flavor. Go with a Hayward or Pentair. Make sure you get a salt resistant version.

By the way, if you are planning a heater for use on an outdoor pool, keep in mind that less than 50% of such heaters are used much after the 2nd gas bill -- barely used gas pool heaters can be had for the cost of removal and plumbing repair! Gas rates are down over the past few years, so the situation has changed, but you still should plan on gas bills in excess of $200 per month for an 18x32 pool in October in Illinois.

05-29-2013, 11:46 PM
Replaced a dead Jandy with a Hayward Universal H-Series Low NOx heater. The Jandy died after 6 years, so wasn't to impressed. The Hayward is low profile and doesn't require a stack, which is nice. An in-law who is certificed HAVC gas and does pool work was impressed with the build quality, and said it is essentially the same as a small high efficiency furnace.

If you will be heating much, you will also want to use a solar blanket, and figure out a way so that it is easy to use. Per the US gov't of Energy figures, using one can cut your gas bill by about 85% when heating. There is a chart for locations, including Chicago with cover vs. no cover comparisions. The actual dollars will vary depending on you set-up but the % difference is striking.


We actually use the heater to ensure good conditions through the season, which is so short here, not so much to extend the season.

05-30-2013, 09:11 AM
Thanks. I will look into the Hayward and Pentair models.