View Full Version : 4 weeks of work and pool still green

05-26-2013, 09:47 PM
Branch fell through my cover last winter. Opened up to a black pool. Shocked heavily with liquid shock and dredged up all the leaves I could. Have now shocked 4 times. I've changed the sand and multiport valve on my filter. Brushed the sides. Balanced the chemicals. I have a foam at the top of my water the pool store says was from not back washing the antifreeze out first. The water is light green and can't see more than a few feet down. Hasn't changed in 2 weeks. Pool store can't help and can't come out for ten days. Any help would be much appreciated. Thinking of draing my pool but from what I've red seems too dangerous. Beyond frustrated and have my wife's 30th Bday party at my house next weekend.

05-27-2013, 08:08 PM
One week may be a lot to ask. Read through the stickies in Dealing with Algae (http://www.poolforum.com/pf2/forumdisplay.php?136-Dealing-with-Algae) and start shocking the pool. You'll need a Taylor K-2006 test kit which will be hard to obtain in a week. It's basically going to take a lot of chlorine, brushing, backwashing, diligence, and patience.

05-29-2013, 09:23 PM
Just a bit of follow up.

1. There's no way to get a "black" (dark green) pool cleaned up in a week, without special equipment OR draining and refilling. Don't beat yourself up. Just learn, and plan to avoid in the future!

2. If you have a concrete pool AND the ground is dry OR you live on a hillside, consider draining and refilling. OTHERWISE, do not drain; you can destroy your pool!

3. If you don't drain, begin adding 3 gallons of PLAIN 6% household bleach EACH evening.

4. Purchase locally an OTO/phenol red test kit (yellow/red drops). Increase your chlorine dose by 1 gallon each evening, till you have a DARK yellow chlorine test result the FOLLOWING morning.

5. Order a K2006 kit (link below)

6. Run pump and filter 24/7.

7. Post results after a few days.

By the way, pool antifreeze does NOT foam your pool.