View Full Version : Sun Dot

05-24-2013, 02:06 AM
Hi all,

I received a brochure in the mail today, and I glanced through it and on the last page is an advert for their 'Sun Dot'. A 20" diameter black plastic circle thing that you place several of on the bottom of your pool. Apparently it "draws the warmth of the sun to the bottom of the pool" - it sounds like utter nonsense to me, but I was wondering if anybody had one and whether they were in the least bit good. I'm in SoCal, so we have lots of sun!

I searched online for a while, looking for any reviews of it, but couldn't find any.


05-24-2013, 06:53 AM
While it is true that a darker pool liner will warm quicker, I'd bet that what you are looking at is a new gimmick designed to separate more $$ from your wallet.

I'd also bet that you would get the same effect with a few weighted black garbage bags places in your pool (without garbage, of course!).

05-24-2013, 10:07 PM
While it is true that a darker pool liner will warm quicker, I'd bet that what you are looking at is a new gimmick designed to separate more $$ from your wallet.

I'd also bet that you would get the same effect with a few weighted black garbage bags places in your pool (without garbage, of course!).

Ha ha! I figured as much. Thank you for your response.

Interesting idea about the garbage bags! Mind you, I'm sure the process of weighting multiple garbage bags to the bottom of the pool would be *really* fun... ;-)