View Full Version : Water temperature for swimming

05-29-2006, 10:08 PM
Here in central Ohio, the temperature was about 90 today, and of course the kids wanted to swim. I was a bit reluctant, with the water termperature only at about 77.

(We bought this house with a 22,000 gallon IG pool last November, with the pool already closed. Opening the pool this spring was a breeze, the water cleared up quickly, and the only thing that I have done is replace the ancient DE filter with a 300 lb. sand filter, Hayward S244T).

Anyway, I said okay, let's get in. I was quite surprised that the water did not feel as cold as I was expecting. In short, we had a wonderful time, spending about an hour in the water, and it was really "quality family time". I never once felt cold. I am wondering if I really have to go to work tomorrow...

05-29-2006, 10:10 PM
Here in central Ohio, the temperature was about 90 today, and of course the kids wanted to swim. I was a bit reluctant, with the water termperature only at about 77.

(We bought this house with a 22,000 gallon IG pool last November, with the pool already closed. Opening the pool this spring was a breeze, the water cleared up quickly, and the only thing that I have done is replace the ancient DE filter with a 300 lb. sand filter, Hayward S244T).

Anyway, I said okay, let's get in. I was quite surprised that the water did not feel as cold as I was expecting. In short, we had a wonderful time, spending about an hour in the water, and it was really "quality family time". I never once felt cold. I am wondering if I really have to go to work tomorrow...

I live in canada here... saturday we played in the pool with 5 yo kid... the temp was 72... today 77 and it was perfect.
I know people north from here who use the pool all summer at 66-68. So don't worry, it's not dangerous when you are in the 70s

05-29-2006, 10:21 PM
I prefer the temp to be between 86 and 89, but will deviate a bit. Over 90 generally feels too hot, except at night at least when it feels nice. I would not make it in Canada, no way would I swim in that.

05-29-2006, 10:24 PM
I prefer the temp to be between 86 and 89, but will deviate a bit. Over 90 generally feels too hot, except at night at least when it feels nice. I would not make it in Canada, no way would I swim in that.

my 77 felt great today... here when it 80-82, everybody is happy. Over 85, people usually think it's to hot :)

05-29-2006, 10:32 PM
it was almost 100 here today. And muggy too. Lovely weather for swimming. :lol:

06-02-2006, 10:21 PM
This was exactly what I was trying to research. I would not be concerned with 77. But my question would be is it dangerous at 62? We opened our pool here in MA this past Memorial Day weekend and it was about 85 outside and of course the kids wanted to go in. Last year was our first summer opening it and the kids went in then too (at 65) I make them get out every so often and run around and warm up, but their lips turn purple. Is this bad? I am sure the ocean around here never gets up to the 70's especially not til the end of summer? Please if someone knows anything, let me know so that I can tell them they need to wait. I got my solar reel today and the solar cover is coming tomorrow, I hope that will help quickly. Last year the temp stayed around 80 come july and august. We get full sun 7am - 7pm.

06-02-2006, 10:37 PM
Most health experts agree that 78 F to 82 F is ideal. Higher if you are just paddling around. Too high and the body has a problem with dissipating heat because it becomes harder to sweat. At 98.6 F you cannot sweat or lose heat so if you are having a LOT of fun in the pool it could be dangerous.

International Swimming Federation guidelines for pools are 25 C to 28 C, or 77 F to 82.4 F. You will also swim better if the outside temperature is about 3.5 F higher than the pool temperature. This is the temperature maintained at the Olympics, or so I am led to believe. This why we are all so supple here in Hawaii the temperature outside is nearly allways much higher than the pool. The Mai Tais help as well.

If you are training 78 F is ideal and the reason can be found at the link below at the Dept. of Energy's Ask a scientist site:


And one final totally useless fact is to cool a 20,000 gal swimming
pool from 70 deg to 69 deg, you would have to add over 500 gal of 32
deg water (4000 lbs, more than 4 times as much as if you add 32 deg

That's a lot of Mai Tai drinks but then again after so many drinks you most probably would not know if it were 58 or 98.

Why are you getting rid of your DE filter and replacing it with a sand? I'm dreaming of the day I can do the opposite so I can have crystal clearwater. All be it with a little extra work.

Aloha I'm off to do my suppleness training 80 F pool, 83 F outside - perfect.

06-02-2006, 11:00 PM
Well ---- about 45 years ago I went swimming in the Upper Falls of the Ammnnoosuc River in New Hampshire in May --- There was still ice on the Lake of the Clouds near the top of Mount Washington where it comes from. (Worked at the Cog R.R. for a couple of summers).

Yep ---- YOUNG and DUMB:eek: Water temp was just over 50 deg F.

Now my pool needs to be over 80 for my big toe to even get close ---- I prefer about 85. At age 60 my heart doesn't need a jump start like it got back then.:)

06-02-2006, 11:08 PM
I remember swimming in icy mountain streams at swimming holes as a kid, riding over the rocks in natural slides and having a blast.

Now I don't get in without a 3/4 wetsuit if it's below 82! My wife won't get in until the water hits 92...call us soft, call us weak...call us COMFORTABLE!