View Full Version : ? removing metal w/ floc, chlorine, & high pH to drop it out, and then vac to waste?

05-20-2013, 07:36 PM
Hey gang, happy spring!

So, how do I do this? There's a section header regarding this topic in PoolDoc's "Before filling your pool" sticky, but no further info (section 7c.) I have a 3800 gal Intex with copper that I need to get rid of. In the past I've used BioGuard's PoolMagnet and then filtered it out (with a filter aid in sand filter.) But I'd like to try this chlorine + pH approach so as to avoid buying more pool store chemicals. Thanks!


05-20-2013, 08:00 PM
The sticky on metal removal has not worked consistently, for folks with copper in their water. I suspect it may be that some of the HEDP products are not quite what they are supposed to be, but I haven't confirmed that by testing the products.

That leaves me with no 'sure-fire' method for removing copper. If you have been successful with your dealer's method in the past, you may want to stick with that, this season. You might want to consider using the CuLator products to 'grab' copper added when you add water:

1 ppm Culator, direct from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B003C5PNUW/poolbooks)
1.5 ppm Culator, sold by Amazon, shipped from Periodic (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004Y6RK3Q/poolbooks)
4 ppm Culator, sold by Amazon, shipped from Periodic (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B007AHDMTM/poolbooks)

Out of curiosity, why do you have so much copper in your fill water?

05-20-2013, 09:38 PM
The sticky on metal removal has not worked consistently, for folks with copper in their water. I suspect it may be that some of the HEDP products are not quite what they are supposed to be, but I haven't confirmed that by testing the products.

That leaves me with no 'sure-fire' method for removing copper. If you have been successful with your dealer's method in the past, you may want to stick with that, this season. You might want to consider using the CuLator products to 'grab' copper added when you add water:

1 ppm Culator, direct from Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B003C5PNUW/poolbooks)
1.5 ppm Culator, sold by Amazon, shipped from Periodic (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B004Y6RK3Q/poolbooks)
4 ppm Culator, sold by Amazon, shipped from Periodic (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B007AHDMTM/poolbooks)

Out of curiosity, why do you have so much copper in your fill water?

Hi Ben. Any confirmation yet on whether the Culater really works? Or has that yet to be confirmed?

05-20-2013, 10:10 PM
The evidence is pretty strong that it works IF the copper is still dissolved in the water.

Some apparent failures have resulted when people expected the Culator to remove copper stains. However, copper stains are -- by definition -- copper that is no longer IN the water, but is rather ON the pool surface.

Many people assume that if they have copper stains, they have copper in their pool water, when in fact, copper stains show that they HAD copper in their water in the past, but NOT that they HAVE copper in their pool water, now.

Bottom line: the Culator packets can help PREVENT new copper stains, but cannot, by themselves, do anything to REMOVE existing stains.

One other note: CuLator users do NOT have to throw away packets that are not discolored. In general, if the CuLator packet has not acquired one of the indicator colors, it can STILL remove metals from the pool water.

05-20-2013, 10:18 PM
The evidence is pretty strong that it works IF the copper is still dissolved in the water.

Some apparent failures have resulted when people expected the Culator to remove copper stains. However, copper stains are -- by definition -- copper that is no longer IN the water, but is rather ON the pool surface.

Many people assume that if they have copper stains, they have copper in their pool water, when in fact, copper stains show that they HAD copper in their water in the past, but NOT that they HAVE copper in their pool water, now.

Bottom line: the Culator packets can help PREVENT new copper stains, but cannot, by themselves, do anything to REMOVE existing stains.

One other note: CuLator users do NOT have to throw away packets that are not discolored. In general, if the CuLator packet has not acquired one of the indicator colors, it can STILL remove metals from the pool water.

Thanks for the update on the Culator. :)

06-20-2013, 10:47 AM
Well, for what it's worth, I ended up using BioGuard's Pool Magnet Plus product, which was the same thing I did last year. Worked great. I added the Magnet, and 24 hours later backwashed the sand filter. Pool is crystal clear.

06-20-2013, 12:30 PM
The issue is, will it still be good next week?

Products like Pool Magnet Plus *temporarily* hold metals in solution in the water. That's helpful, but the metal is all still there.

However, if you do not shock the pool, but gradually raise chlorine levels AND operate your filter 24/7, there's a good chance, that as the Pool Magnet (HEDP?) breaks down, the metals will be caught by the filter BEFORE they cause problems in the pool.

I found two MSDS sheets for the product. Interestingly, they show two DIFFERENT formulations:
http://www.inlandreno.com/oldsite/pdf/m140003300.pdf (27% HEDP in 1997)
http://www.norflowinc.com/images/BioGuard_Pool_Magnet_Plus.pdf (36% HEDP in 2002)

You might note that HEDP is a phosphorous compound AND the products also contain 1 - 2% phosphoric acid. So, their use will add phosphates to your water. This is not necessarily a problem, but many dealers will try to sell you phosphate removers, whether you need them or not.