View Full Version : Doing a refill this spring.

11-21-2012, 02:51 PM
I've got some algae in some rough areas of my plaster that I can not get rid of so at some point during the winter I plan to empty the pool. While empty I plan to spray the areas with bleach and then let it dry out for a couple weeks .

Does this sound like a good approach to getting rid of it?

Not sure if it is black algae or what but it is only located in a couple areas where the plaster is pitted.

I'd also like the give the tile a good cleaning.. any suggestions on a good product to use?

12-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Any opinions on this approach?

12-03-2012, 03:29 PM
Unfortunately, traffic is way, way down this time of year since most folks have closed up for the winter--plus, there are only a handful of folks around that I think can really answer your question...I'll shoot out a few emails to see if I can get some of them to check in and offer opinions....but it may take some time, so please keep checking back!

12-03-2012, 07:33 PM
Phillbo, I hope you are in better shape than your pool :)

I HOPE that you realize the danger in draining an in-ground pool and have taken the possibility of it 'floating' into account.

Hard to kill areas of algae/ 'bio-nasty' can be treated with a concentrated dose of chlorine with the water still in the pool -- it's tricky but I can give you a few suggestions on it.

If your plaster is in that bad shape, can you afford a recoat?? If not, treat the areas and do a quick recoat yourself while the pool is empty.

If you need more, we'll help.

12-04-2012, 12:32 PM
I realize the site is slow this time of year and am not in a big hurry for assistance.

I live in Arizona so the risk of floating the pool is non existent. It sat empty for 6 month while I did a back yard remodel about 7 years ago.

The plaster is not really in bad shape it's more a cause of shoddy work by the company I hired to re plaster it a few years back. It has areas with rough spots that the algae has taken hold in. I've held the pool at shock level for quite a while with no results so I'm going to try the bleach and dry out approach before spring.