View Full Version : hi new to pools sorry

09-07-2012, 07:30 PM
hi new here and to pool, i have one of the cheap one from canadian tire, sorry.

its 18X52 water is from a well:( we have a lot of iron in r water

put water in it and test it alkalinity and P.H was high so just went on to the canadian tire web and put my test in and it tell me to shock it and add 6kg of P.H reducer that was like 3days ago and pool not looking good:( did a test one a day and its be the same for 2days now

this is what it is for 2days now
bromine 20
chlorine 8
alkalinity 180
P.H 7.2
hardness 250

use test strips

and water look green would like to know what i should do now? thx
if u need more info just ask

09-08-2012, 10:48 PM
you have 2 threads with the same info; this one and the thread here:

I'm closing this thread.