View Full Version : Poolcrete installation

08-28-2012, 11:23 PM
Hello, I had a pool installed this summer.

It is an inground, galvanized steel walls, with Poolcrete floor and vinyl liner. After the pool was filled with water we noticed that the floor and curbs were not smooth. The poolcrete appears to not have adhered to the previous batchs of poolcrete. At each pour line there is an indentation line and in some areas the poolcrete shifts or moves when you step on it. The pool installer has offered to remove the water and liner this fall to patch the seems. I'm looking for some advise... Can poolcrete be patched and hold up as good as one pour? Will I ever get a smooth finish? Do I need to have all the pool crete removed and repour the bad sections? Would the installer notice this before installing the liner? Should I have to pay to fill the pool back up? Will changes to the depth affect the liner being reinstalled?

Appreciate any help with this poolcrete installation mess!

08-29-2012, 07:26 AM
membership updated.

I haven't heard of "PoolCrete", but I've asked a couple of other guys to take a look.


08-29-2012, 03:22 PM
Welcome to The Forum!

I have to make a couple assumptions 1) Poolcrete is a premixed vermiculite base. 2)What the original floor was wasn't Poolcrete.

It sounds to me that you had a sand & cement floor that was patched with a vermiculite mixture. It also sounds like the patching material wasn't properly mixed :( (If the poolcrete is what I think it is (i.e. a bag of premixed vermiculite and cement that you just have to add water to and mix), maybe they just got a bad batch - it happens)

A good vermiculite mix will blend in ~ seamlessly to an existing floor and last as long as the original floor. For patching purposes it's better to go a little heavier on the cement - this helps compensate for having to make the mix wetter than you would for a whole floor pour. Making it wetter allows you to better fade the patch into the existing surface, so as to reduce the seam.

It's hard to say whether this would be noticeable as the liner was being installed - too many variables for me to comment, I wasn't there to see what was done.

As for the refill - how was the pool originally filled? (The water source can make a large difference in many pool water chemistry aspects as well as price per gallon). There is also the issue of the chems you'll have to add to a freshly filled pool - who pays for that? I'm not a lawyer and can't advise on these questions but feel that you should get some form of compensation - we can talk after you discuss things with the PB :cool:

Something went wrong with the patching of your floor, the PB sounds like he's willing set things right - I'd say, enjoy the pool while the weather permits and let the pool dude fix his error after you're done using the pool. (However, as the refix will be done after you're done getting in the pool, make sure that he'll still honor the warranty next season, after you've had a chance to get in the pool and feel how smooth the floor is).

Talk to the installer and let us know what he says/ proposes - we'll be here to help/ advise :innocent:.

08-29-2012, 09:48 PM
Hey, Thanks for the quick replies! This was a new pool installation. The poolcrete is poured on top of a shaped dirt floor. PB and I discussed a bad batch of poolcrete, both agreed that any talks with the poolcrete manufacturer would point back to the installer/PB.

I speculate that PB was holding himself to a scheduled completion date. I had noticed the rough seems, but... relied on PB to do the right thing. ughh.

Water was trucked in from a nearby city water facility. I will include the trucking costs in our discussions before PB drains and removes the liner to repair the floors. We are planning on doing this next month. I'm leary of letting this go until the spring... PB may disappear! Good thing I've withheld $$$


08-31-2012, 03:00 PM
Sounds like you've got a good plan :D

If you have more questions before the repair, simply post them and we'll be here to help.