View Full Version : Goldline Salt Generator DEAD

07-28-2012, 10:23 AM
I'm looking for troubleshooting suggestions for a Aquarite Goldline generator system. I have no display or lights and know the following:

- I replaced the main circuit board because the Hayward folks told me this was the most likely fix if the fuse was good. So I have a new board with fuse installed.
- This system has no external fuse, so uses the fuse on the board.
- I have power to the main circuit board.

Any thoughts on what to do to try and isolate the issue. I don't perceive there to be but 2 other components: 1) the small circuit board with the display on it and 2) the transformer. But I don't know how to determine if one or the other of these is at fault. Or, if there are any other possibilities.

One final note. This system is "out in the country", so I have limited access to it - 1/2-day round-trip travel time.

07-28-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi Thom49. Sorry I can't offer you any advice about your question but just wanted to stop by and welcome you to the Pool Forum! Hopefully, someone with some knowledge of this unit will be along shortly who can help you, though. I'm not sure what you'll find, but in the meantime, use the Google Search in my signature below to see if you can find any prior threads about this piece of equipment.