View Full Version : Photo of making bubbles to lower the TA

07-27-2012, 05:11 PM
Following the Ben's advice to lower the alkalinity of the pool water, I improvised my own method. It works well! I brought down the level, over the course of 4 days, from over 300 to 180. Still aerating and maintaining the pH at 7.2 or a little lower. It DOES rise during this process.

The most helpful thing I've learned so far is that this is a process that takes patience and diligence. Heavy on the patience. :)

Also, for the experts, I included a couple of pics of my pool pump for advice purposes. We were talking about where to put a pressure gauge.

[ PoolDoc note => pics moved to following post ]

07-27-2012, 05:33 PM

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-2VOLlq1ENEE/UBMHkQwrxlI/AAAAAAAADqg/PKojhh9VDWQ/s800/Thepoolpump-filter.jpg - https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-qfpMmTcy7gQ/UBMHjjNHN0I/AAAAAAAADqQ/fMRBKdDtfEs/s800/SubmersiblePump-cloudywater.jpg - https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-wwmK4mICLqQ/UBMHjG9CufI/AAAAAAAADqA/vYET1va5fCk/s800/Bubbles.jpg



;) :D ;) :D

07-27-2012, 05:35 PM
Just joking. DChannes had an extra photo in his folder, so I included it too.

Guys, that method is fine, BUT do NOT let anyone in the pool while that pump is hooked up! Seriously!

07-27-2012, 10:15 PM
LOL! Good one! Sorry about that extra photo...I had no idea that was in the album

I should mention, when I took those photos was the first day and I could not see the very bottom of the pool. The second day I could see the bottom just well enough to vacuum. By the forth day, it was very clear and I vacuumed again...VERY slowly and carefully. The fifth day(today), that pool water is crystal clear. Now it's just a balancing act with ph and TC mainly. The pool pretty much has to be monitored very closely til the TA comes down a little more. I've poured pretty close to a gallon of muriatic acid into the water in the last 6 days trying to keep the pH down. Is that too much? I wonder. I'm shooting for TA of 100 for some cushion. Then I think I can relax....but not too much :). Still need suggestions!

I figured you could appreciate the pics and yes, you're right...DON'T swim in the pool with the pump plugged in!


07-27-2012, 10:33 PM
As long as your pH is OK, and your TA is still dropping it's not too much muriatic acid.