View Full Version : Newbie here

07-15-2012, 10:37 AM
Having problems with cloudiness in a small 18' round above ground Intex pool with SWG. Worked fine for a few weeks till the SWG gave up the ghost and algae developed. I am now trying to "Re-establish" the correct chemistry and I am a rank novice. I've replaced the SWG with a new one. I shocked twice with Aqua-Chem's "Shock Xtra Blue". Added 1 qt of "Scale and Metal Stain Control". I am now learning that less chemicals is better. I am also waiting for delivery of a HTH 6-way test kit (Not available locally for me) and using the 6 way "Guess strips" at the moment. The water has cleared somewhat from the algae green to a semi-clear bluish color but still remains milky/cloudy. Im thinking this is result of the Scale/metal stain chemical reacting to my well water. This is my first post and will post more specific numbers when I get an appropriate test kit. Thanks in advance, Tim

07-15-2012, 11:35 PM
You are right that we will need some current numbers to be able to help. Also, please fill in our pool chart with your pool's information. It makes it easier for someone here to help you.

Pool Chart Entry Form (http://goo.gl/cNPUO)
Pool Chart Results (http://goo.gl/PXaLu)

Quit adding all the pool store products. They are most likely not helping and probably making things worse. What are the ingredients in the Shock Xtra Blue?

Turn off the SWCG until you get this cleared up.

Welcome to the Pool Forum!

07-16-2012, 04:48 PM
By "turn off the SWCG until you get this cleared up", Watermom means turn off the SWCG so you're not burning up cell life, and chlorinate manually instead, using bleach or another form of chlorine. We can help you figure doses once you get the current water results she's asking for.


07-16-2012, 10:26 PM
Thank you.

I'm still waiting for an adequate test kit. Will post as soon as possible.I'm testing daily with the strips to make sure things aren't too out of balance.

The Aqua-Chem site says to shock again but I'm opting for your advice instead. Shock Xtra Blue(previously used) is Sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione(63.05%), copper(metallic).26%,

Other ingredients (36.69%)Available chlorine:39% I am adding about a pint of 6% bleach daily. Cloudiness continues.

07-17-2012, 10:14 AM
The problem is that you can't shock the pool if you don't know what your stabilizer level is, since "shock" level is dependent on CYA level (take a look at the "best guess chlorine chart" linked in my sig for for explanation and the chart". Continue adding the daily dose of bleach until you get the kit, then post some numbers as soon as you can.

It's your decision, but I wouldn't add anymore of the Shock Xtra Blue if it were my pool. Dichlor powder is fine to use, ifyour CYA isn't already too high but the copper isn't....copper is what turns blonde hair and fingernails green, stains pools green, and generally causes problems with water chemistry when the levels get high enough. No copper for my pool! It is sold as an enhancer to the chem it's added to, because it can actually be a deterrant to algae growth, but if you're keeping your chlorine levels high enough for the pool to be sanitary, you won't have algae to begin with! So--no need to add something that will just complicate the water chemistry.


07-19-2012, 11:14 PM
membership upgraded. -ben

07-20-2012, 08:28 AM
Thank you.