View Full Version : power outage - safe to swim?

07-02-2012, 12:50 PM
My power was knocked out by storms Friday. I'm keeping my pool chlorinated, but how long will it be safe to swim in? Is there anything else I should do to it?


07-02-2012, 12:59 PM
You'll need to keep chlorinating it--you can do that by adding your usual dose of bleach (or whatever you use) and then either stirring up the water by getting in with old suits, or using your pole/brush, or broom, or whatever method you have. The filter won't be taking anything out of the water, but at least the chlorine will keep anything from growing in there. As long as you have adequate chlorine and you can see swimmers underwater, then you're ok to swim. When your power comes back on, I would shock the pool just for the heck of it.....

One of our mods, Watermom, is in the same position--she's on her 3rd day without power and has been doing the exact same thing I advised you above to keep her pool clear. I understand that it's actually hotter up there now than it is down here in Louisiana, so at least that would give you a place to go cool off!

Hope your power is restored quickly.

07-06-2012, 05:30 PM
I'm on day 7 without power and we are swimming every day. At the end of the day while I am still in the pool, I slowly pour a jug of bleach in the pool and make lots of waves to mix it in well. There is debris on the bottom that I can't get out without a working pump, but the water is clean and clear. And, with 100 degree temps, the pool gives us a place to cool off. You may have your power back by now. I wish we did !!!