View Full Version : how to mix white concrete. Other coping advice welcome!

06-28-2012, 07:40 AM
we are replacing several bullnose coping pieces around a 1980 gunite/1999 fiberglass interior pool. There is minor deterioration to the beam. We removed old several old coping pieces and chiseled out the 'hollow' concrete mortar from the last repair... the expansion joint was also filled in with mortar, dug that out. Today renting concrete saw to eliminate source of problem - random areas where concrete deck butts up to coping without expansion joint.

tomorrow or Monday plan on resetting coping. Was told to use 'white concrete'. One part white cement, 2 parts white sand. I cant find internet confirmation of that formula. I find 1/2 part limestone, 1 part cement, 3 parts sand... but they are not talking about the same situation.

It seems most coping questions aren't real popular. Can anyone help?

06-28-2012, 06:22 PM
I'm going to ask Waste aka Ted to look at your post. He is one of the Pool Forum Support Team members and is a pool installer. Hopefully he'll be able to offer you some advice. It may be a bit til he gets to you. In addition to helping us around here, he is pretty busy this time of year installing pools!

Welcome to the Pool Forum!

(He might want to see some pics to help him. Use Photobucket, Flicker, Picasa or the like to post a pic or email them to poolforum@gmail.com and reference the URL of this thread.)

06-28-2012, 06:30 PM
That would be great! isnt there a way for me to have the ability to search?

06-28-2012, 06:47 PM
Use the google search in my signature above instead of the forum software's search feature. Until your registration is completed, you'll need to log out to be able to see the rest of the forum. Only a temporary inconvenience, however.

07-01-2012, 08:19 PM
hi! I havent heard anything. Any suggestions?

07-02-2012, 09:18 AM
You may want to ask at poolspaforum.com -- they have lots of pool industry members, where we only have a few.

Personally, I never plastered a pool, but I did use the 1:2 ratio when I did patching.

07-02-2012, 08:16 PM
ok. Thank-you all for your help!

07-06-2012, 07:46 PM
Hey, Sunkissed I know I responded to this... but it's not here??!?? (I'm sure it's something I did or didn't do - I'm pretty much a bull in the china shop with computers LOL)

The mix I always have used is a 2:1 white cement to marble dust (by volume NOT weight). This mix will grout it and, as Ben says, patches plaster pools well. If you're looking to reset coping or tile, use a 1:1 mix.

Sorry for the delay in responding.