View Full Version : Now I have to worry about phosphates??!?!?

05-23-2006, 04:41 PM
Just had my water tested at the local pool store. "Jr." wasn't interested in any of my numbers but the Phosphates!!!! I, on the other hand, just wanted to get some stabilizer. I figured since I was going there I'd take a water sample just to see. These are the results:

FC = 0
TC = 5? (he put an arrow pointing down after that?)
pH = 7.2
Alk = 80
CH = 190
CYA = 0
TDS = 450
phosphates = .25

The other thing he tried to "sell" me was calcium hardness. This amazed me because he never once asked me what size my pool was, or the material (it's vinyl).

I know I need to shock and get the CYA up. Do I need to be concerned with the phosphates and the Dissolved solids???? What the heck is that anyway??

05-23-2006, 05:17 PM
These are the results:
FC = 0
TC = 5? (he put an arrow pointing down after that?)
pH = 7.2
Alk = 80
CH = 190
CYA = 0
TDS = 450
phosphates = .25

FC: Low. Should be around 3.
TC: Should be the same as FC or you have CC (not good)
pH: Low Should be between 7.3 and 7.8
Alk: a tad low, but OK Range is 180-125, but up to 180 is FINE in vinyl.
CH: Fine
CYA: Low. Need to get it to 30-50ppm
TDS: Irrelevant
Phosphates: Latest fad in garbage to sell you. Fix the OTHER stuff first. Only worry about phosphates when all the other stuff fails.