View Full Version : Shock?

06-11-2012, 07:47 AM
Checking in after a fe week and the pool has been crystal clear since i got th great advice here!

my stabilizer is between 25 and 30ppm and i keep my chlorine levels between 3 and 6ppm, not a single algae growth yet. normally add about 1/2 qt every day or 1 qt every other day. i pretty much have the pool cycle figured out.

my question is, should i ever shock the pool with more? and if so, how much or how often.

last night after a heavy swim session and sun, the chlorine dropped to about 1ppm so i added 3qts of bleach to bring it up to 7ppm since some is going to burn off today anyway, i'm jut wondering if i should have added more.

06-11-2012, 08:25 AM
You only really need to shock if the water starts to look dull or cloudy, or if you start losing chlorine overnight, or if your CC gets above 1.0. That being said, since I have a large kid population swimming in my pool, I also shock it after a few days of particularly heavy swim load (especially if the swimmers are young) or after any heavy thunderstorming, especially if it's hurricane-induced. Just a little added insurance to make sure it stays nice and blue :)

06-11-2012, 11:44 AM
thanks, so what level should i bring the chlorine up to when i shock it?

06-11-2012, 02:30 PM
Shock level (and also needed maintenance levels) of chlorine are based on your CYA levels, so for your pool, shock level would be between 12-15. Take a minute to read the Best Guess Chlorine Chart in Janet's signature above for more information about the correlation between the two.