View Full Version : I am ready for BBB. My numbers are...

05-21-2006, 01:41 AM
got these mumbers from retail store.

15,800 in ground pool Phx, AZ

CYA: 106
TC: 3
FC: 3
PH 7.5
TA: 135
adj TA: 103
Hardness 480

I just bought a Walmart test ket, 4 jugs of bleach, 1 box borax.

If the above number hold true. what are my NEXT STEPS to obtain great pool water.


05-21-2006, 07:32 AM
The main thing I see is that for such high cya, your chlorine level isn't adequate. You have two choices. You can either do a partial drain and lower the cya level some or you can run higher than normal chlorine levels. (See the chart at the following link.) Either way will work. If you decide to do the latter, you'll need a test kit that can measure high chlorine levels and you should consider buying the one Ben sells at the sister site to this forum www.poolsolutions.com as it will do just that. Your ph and alk are fine. Also your calcium hardness is OK, but I definitely would stick with bleach - no cal hypo. (You didn't tell if it was a gunnite or vinyl pool.)


Hope this helps.

05-21-2006, 10:20 AM

thanks for the fast reply.

my pool already feels & smells harsh. (that is high chlorine) my goal is to find that poolsolutions utopia I have read about.

will adding more chlorine increase the harshness? I also read that if you smell chlorine (as I do), I have something else out of balance.


05-21-2006, 11:44 AM
What type of pool? Vinyl liner or something else and if so specifically what?

05-21-2006, 12:48 PM
Hi, Scott,

This is tough to believe when you first start out but a chlorine smell around your pool indicates you need MORE Chlorine. That's not a typo. Getting your Cl level up to shock value will virtually eliminate that smell and clean up your water.

How much more? Well, it's not clear to me where your Cl is now but you need to add enough in there to reach 25ppm. It will immediately start down. You mission will be to keep adding it back in up to that 25ppm level as often as you can until your pools clears....and it will clear.

In order to do this effectively, you must have a test kit that will test for high Cl levels or trudge to the pool store a couple of times a day. We cannot tell you how much Cl to put in because we don't know your current Cl level. Post those numbers up and we'll all help you further.:)

05-21-2006, 03:38 PM
One of the tricks I learned on this site for harsh water is to add some salt. I tried it last summer and the family noticed the difference immediately. You can search here to find the right amount. Go slow, adding a bit, swim a bit, add a bit more.... repeat as needed. We stopped just at the point that you could barely detect the taste.

As I recal I added about 4 bags of 40 lbs each to our 16 x 32 IG ( about 17,000 to 18,000 gallons )

Good luck

05-21-2006, 05:20 PM
Great Feedback, Big Thank You.

some more infomation on my pool. In ground, plaster surface 16k gallons.

My water is clear. No murky or algae issues. which is good.

My goal is to be rid of the "pool guy" and maintain myself. I want to have the "right" mix of chemicals. Not just puck it and shock it as the pool guy does.

my next steps will be:
1. order testing kit x234
2. determine correct levels and re-post
3. if cya is in fact that high try and reduce
4. bring CL in line w/ lowered cya levels
5. I will read about the adding Salt online :)

I will repost when numbers are in from home test....
Have a great week...