View Full Version : Backwash, rinse, filter blows junk back in pool, possible waste line issue

Cankoo's pool
04-26-2012, 03:10 PM
I started a post, and now do'nt know where it went.

Anyway. I took over the pool from a pool guy few months back. things have been ok. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that my skimmer basket was floating, and as a result I had lots of stuff in the filter before the pump. I spent some time making sure I did not have a skimmer clog as a result. No clog.

So I started to poke around further, and I noticed that my waste line (which is plumbed to the street) is not wet. When I put the filter on waste, shouldn't the water be emptying onto the street? I think it did before.

So I backwashed for a long time, 10 mins, that is supposed to go to the street, right?

Then I rinsed same amt of time. Then I put back to normal filter, and wham all this junk comes into the pool. It is now cloudy.

There is some kind of valve on the waste line, that doesn't seem to want to open or close very well. Should I be opening that to allow the waste to leave? I have managed to budge this a little, and it is leaking when I have it on backwash. But only a little. And there is still no water coming out onto the street.

Also, am I supposed to be vacuuming on the waste setting. That doesn't work either. The vacuum has no suction on the waste setting. So I vacuumed on the regular filter setting. So that was probably not a good idea.

I think I have determined that my waste line is plugged?

I would call a pool guy, but I know they will charge me arm and a leg and I don't trust them.

Please help,

04-27-2012, 11:59 AM
I think I have determined that my waste line is plugged?

Sounds like it is.

If you need a temporary solution, you can probably buy locally a backwash hose, clamp, and threaded adapter that you can use to replace the hard line. They're available on Amazon, but only with poor ratings, so I didn't link them.

Cankoo's pool
04-27-2012, 01:31 PM
I tried with a wetvac to suck out any gunk. some water came out. I guess not enough. I am going to try it from the other end, see if I can take apart the waste somewhere in the line after the filter.

Is there any other reason the waste function would not work?
Or is there any other reason I get no suction thru skimmer when it is on vacuum?

I hate to buy more stuff, but may end up using your bypass idea.


04-27-2012, 02:37 PM
Usually, it's either stopped up, or has a closed or broken valve in the line.

Photos would help -- if you can take them, send them to poolforum@gmail.com