View Full Version : Jandy LRZ "Check IGN Control"

04-09-2012, 11:58 PM
This has me baffled. I've had the gas checked and was told it's ok. Checked and replaced just about everything in this 1 year old LRZ400, and I still can't keep the heater lit for more than 5 minutes. It shuts off, cycles a couple of times then the above fault message appears and it shuts down. I've checked for blockages, cleaned every darn thing in the system, but no luck... Help!! and thanks in advance.

04-10-2012, 01:20 PM
Heater errors are pretty much all different, which means that the only people who can help you are folks who have done service work on that INDIVIDUAL heater. With all the heaters out there, that's asking a lot.

I'd recommend going here: http://www.zodiacpoolsystems.com/Products/Heaters/Legacy.aspx and downloading the owner and service manuals, and going through them very carefully. Then, if you still haven't found the problem, but have learned the lingo, call Zodiac service, and try to get past the Level 1 techs, to the Level 2's who know something besides what's in the notebook on their desk.

Or . . . you can just call them and find out who the local Zodiac service person is.

04-10-2012, 01:58 PM
Thanks for the reply. I've actually been down that road with them, hence the replacement of a a few parts (to no avail!) I was hoping this might be a problem the real "experts" have seen before.

04-10-2012, 03:41 PM
Possible. Not likely.

The guys that do this day-in and day-out, tend not to be online much -- if you work on something all day, you usually don't want to spend time in the evenings working on it some more. Plus many skilled service techs aren't all that skilled with a keyboard.

Other pool guys, who are online (like me) and who have worked on some heaters, can't help much unless they happen to have worked on just that particular heater. When heaters were all electro-mechanical (till about 15 years ago), they were all pretty much alike. So, working on a Laars heater would carry over substantially to working on a RayPak. But, now they are all electronic, and every company has a different board and a different set of software instructions running their heater. So troubleshooting them is much, much more specific to that model.

Hence, your problem.

For what it's worth, Jandy is not a favored brand here. In my case, it's just a lack of experience with Jandy products, plus a huge distrust of Zodiac. Other, who have worked on Jandy stuff, seem consider it generally inferior to Hayward or Pentair, though there are specific exceptions.

Builders usually do NOT work on the products they sell, after the first year, so their preference tends to be (1) what's most profitable and (2) whether it gives trouble during their warranty year. Zodiac is good at marketing.