View Full Version : Pool Magic?

10-30-2011, 07:51 PM
So I've used this forum for 8 years and my pool has been perfect. I've been traveling a lot this year and decided to have the people who normally close my pool shock it for me before closing it up for winter. I just got the statement from them and it says they also added a product called "Pool Magic". Do I need to worry about anything when I open? Any idea what this product is?


chem geek
10-30-2011, 11:45 PM
This is most likely Natural Chemistry® Pool Magic™ (http://naturalchemistry.com/pool_spa/products/pool_magic.html) which is enzymes that will help break down (oxidize) organic material. Though not necessary, it shouldn't do any harm. Note that in their info they say that "Chlorine / sanitizers above 6ppm may deactivate product" so chlorine probably breaks down the enzyme over time which means use of this product will probably have your chlorine drop faster than it otherwise would.

11-10-2011, 10:13 AM
Thanks! It would be ideal if companies would be clearer about the actual ingredients in their products. :)