View Full Version : Polaris vs Kreepy?

09-07-2011, 11:10 AM
We have been very unhappy with our Kreepy for the last 2 years and have heard good thing about Polaris. I think we'll have to convert our pump to work a Polaris. Anyone have any experience in this?

09-07-2011, 12:41 PM
I think you'll find that there are folks who've had both good and bad experiences with both, depending on model, installation, and expectations.

You may get better answers if you tell which Kreepy model you have, and which Polaris you're interested in.

09-07-2011, 01:30 PM
I assume you have a suction side Kreepy and are looking and the pressure side Polaris (There are also pressure side cleaners from Pentair under the Kreepy Krauly name that are very similar to the Polaris units. Pentair used to brand them as Letro but recently started brandiing them as Kreepy Krauly. As a general rule of thumb a pressure side cleaner is more powerful in theory than a suction side cleaner but in actual practice a lot depends on the model of the cleaner, the shape and surface of the pool, and the filter and pump on the pool. There are also random pattern suction cleaners like the Kreepy Krauly and Zodiac Barracuda models that move in a random order and often can miss large sections of the pool and pattern driven ones like the Hayward Navigator. The pattern cleaners often do a better job in covering all the pool than a random pattern cleaner but they also have a lot more moving parts that need regular maintenance.