View Full Version : Buying a New Pump

08-10-2011, 01:03 PM
Hey all,

As if I haven't had enough problems, I think it's time to replace the pump. It's been leaking since I opened back in June and the leak has continued to worsen. It's also 10+ years old and loud as a freight train, so I think replacement is the most logical option.

In doing some research online and in the forum, it looks like all I need is a 1/2 HP motor. Can you confirm that this is accurate (specs are in my signature)? I'm leaning toward Hayward, but their vast offerings of models is confusing. Anyone have any suggestions on a model?

I'm resourceful, but no electrician. Is it too difficult to install myself? I hate to call a pool company and get charged an arm and a leg.

Thanks, A

08-10-2011, 02:04 PM
I replaced my pump this year. I can't answer about your sizing question, but I thought the actual wiring of the new pump was pretty simple. Basically 3 wires plus the bonding lug. There is something called an "impeller seal" that I struggled with getting in the front of it correctly; when that's got a problem it leaks. The impeller seal may be what's wrong with your existing pump as far as the leak (and they are only about 10 bucks).

The noise it's making; is it a ringing type sound or is it just a noisy motor? Mine had been making a very loud ringing noise; which I was told is generally caused by bad bearings. Couldn't find anyplace to replace the bearings so I replaced the whole pump. When I say it was loud, I was worried the neighbors were going to come beating on my door because of it.

08-10-2011, 05:01 PM
We need to get Poconos or one of the other experts on pump motors to look at this. They may be able to save you serious money.

As for sizing there's what's called "upRated" and "fullrated" pumps and 1/2 h from Full rated means more flow. But the real key is figuring how many gallons per minute it will flow, what the filter can handle, and how long you have to run the pump. For maintenance mode, I cannot see 1/2 hp not being sufficient. But for other tasks? I'm not sure.


08-10-2011, 08:36 PM
First question is about the present wiring. 120 or 240 volts? That S200 filter is rated at 44 GPM so you want to stay under that. The Hayward site leaves a lot to be desired for getting detailed info on a specific pump but on a quick look I'm thinking of a 1/2 HP full rated, something like the SP2600X5 single speed so you are right on your thinking about the 1/2 HP. Then we get into the two speed pumps for more $$$. As for wiring the thing in, that's easy if you stay with the same voltage but if you change then things get more complicated. I think that model I mentioned is what Watermom has for her AG pool and the suction for vacuuming is quite adequate. I've got a 1 HP Superpump for my 22K IG and it's 14 years old and still going strong.

08-10-2011, 10:01 PM
I have 1hp superpump 2 spd for my 19,000 gallon pool and it's fine after 9 years. But I have a 200# sand filter which is close to its maximum when the pump is on "HIGH".


08-23-2011, 01:16 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. I'm gonna try to limp along fot the rest of this season, do some more research over the winter and plan to put in a new pump when I reopen next spring. I'll share my plans with ya'll in a few months and see what you think.