View Full Version : My New Pool is Up and Running!

08-08-2011, 12:30 AM
No problem here - just celebrating. Been a little less than a month but we're finally spinning the pump.
I've no doubt that I'll be able to meet any challenge thanks to all of you here!

08-08-2011, 12:31 AM
Still facing inspections but I'm hopeful it's all been done right.

08-08-2011, 08:56 AM
Congratulations!! I know it's been a long road, but you know that it's well worth it. Good luck with the inspections!!


08-18-2011, 10:03 AM
Passed building and electrical inspection last week - Yea!
Solar heating installed yesterday. My wife called as soon as the contractor was done and said that she could feel the warm water at the return, I couldn't feel it when I got home but the pool temp was 5 F warmer than the day before.
Now to fix the yard (mud hole).

08-18-2011, 08:52 PM
Swimming!!!!! Just in time to close for the season :<


08-19-2011, 08:56 AM
Yep, this summer has been all about the pool without actually having one to use. Now, How to close...

08-19-2011, 09:23 PM
Don't close yet. You've got a few weeks of swim season left, don't you?

08-20-2011, 09:37 AM
I'm planning on more swimming - since the solar panels were installed Wednesday, the pool has gone from 71 F to 80 F last night in mixed sun and rain. Afetr last nights rainstorm ( I had to drain the pool 1-1/2" ) It's down to 74 F this morning but ... the sun is on the panels.

08-20-2011, 11:23 AM
Yes, don't close yet. Even if you can't swim, keep it running to get practice with testing and balancing chems. I so envy your solar heat. Wish we had a good spot for the panels, it would really extend our season.

I'm happy for you to get the pool finished in time to enjoy it, however briefly.

08-21-2011, 12:06 AM
Thanks. Pool party today, the water made it back to 80, it was beautiful. 12 kids and three grown men. Odd that the ladies didn't want to swim.
The kiddeos have two weeks before school starts and I hope to swim at least a couple weeks after that; so (hopefully) the pool will get quite a bit more use this season.

I consider the last few years with the donuts practice, the new pool so far has been eaiser than the little pools - the filter works much better and the chems don't seems to move as quickly.
Thanks everybody!