View Full Version : PROs help needed! heat?

05-12-2006, 07:48 AM
I.G Pool 12' by 24', shallow end 3.5', deep end hopper 5.5'.
So I guess about 10,000 gallons.

I live in Ontario and this is my first year with this pool, what kind of temperatures can I expect from my water?

Would you consider putting in a gas heater or solar, or will it warm up on its own?:confused:

05-12-2006, 10:28 AM
There is a wonderful booklet on the web by one of the provincial governments of Canada about solar heating. If I can find it, I will post the link. It was one of the things that convinced me that solar would work in New York.

I don't know the exact numbers, but the study said that solar is quite feasible in Canada and there were (at the time) something over 50,000 installations.

One of the nicest things about solar is that it extends the season almost pain free, making the opening, cleaning, etc all worth it. The downside is slow recovery after a big rain (like we are getting now).

05-12-2006, 05:35 PM
I have no additional heater on my pool but it has full sun all day.
Last spring I opened mid May and by June 1st it was close to 80. Mid summer is was close to 90!
Actually I had a swim yesterday, water was a nice refreashing 61!!
I know what you all are thinking, crazy Cannuk.


05-12-2006, 06:55 PM
61 :eek: :eek: :eek:

05-12-2006, 07:01 PM
I have no additional heater on my pool but it has full sun all day.
Last spring I opened mid May and by June 1st it was close to 80. Mid summer is was close to 90!
Actually I had a swim yesterday, water was a nice refreashing 61!!
I know what you all are thinking, crazy Cannuk.


How deep is your pool, and do you use a solar blanket?
Does the temperature fluctuate at lot?
How about when it isn't sunny for a few days does it cool down rapidly?
How late into the season were you able to use it?

Thanks for your help!

05-12-2006, 08:02 PM
How deep is your pool, and do you use a solar blanket?
Does the temperature fluctuate at lot?
How about when it isn't sunny for a few days does it cool down rapidly?
How late into the season were you able to use it?

Thanks for your help!

Hi again, The pool is 22'x44', (~60K gal) It has a short 4' shallow end and drops off quickly to 12' at the deep end. It's a sport diving pool so it is set up with straight walls and equiped with a competition 1meter 10' board.

I do use a solar blanket at night to hold the heat in. This is a neccesary requirement. During the day I get best heat absortion with direct sun on the water.
Once the pool is up in the eighty's it holds that temp very well. I may loose 1-2' overnight. If there is no sun for a few days, again I only loose 1-2' per day. Actually mid summer the temp was up in the 90's, way too hot for my liking. Forcast for this summer is very hot and dry so you can expect lots of sun.
The only reason I'd get a heater is if I wanted to swim in early May or Sept.
The rest of the summer a heater is totally unneccessary.