View Full Version : whisperflo pump running hot

07-13-2011, 02:40 AM
my pump takes several minutes to pull water and when it finally does it runs very hot, much hotter than it has previously. it has not stopped on me yet (and i hoe it down to cool it and run it less than normal). i know pumps do run hot, but this is much hotter than normal.

any suggestions? thanks!


07-13-2011, 10:11 AM
Hi Kevin. I am not the pump expert around here by any means, but somebody will be along soon who should be able to advise you about this problem you are having.

I just wanted to pop in here to say hi and let you know that your post had been read. Welcome to the Pool Forum!

07-13-2011, 01:33 PM
How old is your pump? Dying motor bearings can cause a pump to overheat.

What do you mean when you say it takes "several minutes to pull water"?

07-13-2011, 08:58 PM
Welcome to the forum.
I assume the 3 minutes is the time to prime and start pumping. Could be a very tiny air leak on the suction side causing that. If the pump motor had a shorted winding it would probably smoke. If it running as quiet as normal, before the heating issue, that probably rules out bearings. Besides, if the bearings were putting that much drag on the motor they would burn up quick. That kind of leaves only ventilation. Quite possibly critters have build something in the air passages. You should feel a pretty good air blast out the rear. They usually suck air from the pump end and blow it out the back. Nothing sacred about this direction though. Try pulling the cover where the wires go in and see what you find. Get back to us and we'll work it further.

07-14-2011, 10:29 AM
Nice analysis, Al.
